Description Conditions: Archiving of conditions (Delete database) The archiving of condition records is performed with 'ARCHIVEDEVELOPMENT KIT' (ADK). Archiving should be performed using transaction 'SARA'! You can, however, call the 3 programs separately and independently ofone another. The following programs have been created for archiving: RV13001: Create archiving objects in one archive. Program documentation> RV130002: Physical deletion of database entries for archiving objects which arecreated by RV130001. RV130003: Option to reload into the database archiving objects which are createdby RV130001 and physically deleted by RV130002. Program documentation> RV130002 should always be run after RV130001 so that the conditionrecords are deleted in the database at approximately the same time;this is guaranteed by the transaction 'SARA'. When you start the program manually, all archive files which have notyet been physically deleted are highlighted.You have the following options:
- Test run (without deletion):
If set, no DB entries are physically deleted. When the programm is started with 'SARA', the parameter from RV130001is transferred.