SAP Program RTPM_TRAC_CALLBACK_ADTL - Callback of Derivation Tools for Determination of Acct Assignment Ref.

This program gets the form routines which are required by the derivationtool in order to determine account assignment references. This is not anindependent report.

The following routines are implemented:
Checks that the derivation steps are listed in a proper sequence. Awarning message is output if grouping characteristic steps occur afterthose for account assignment reference.
Gets the source fields allowed in the derivation steps. These are allavailable fields.
Gets the allowed target fields. These are the account assignmentreference and the grouping characteristics.
Gets the identifiers of the four structures used by the derivation tool.It also gets the corresponding structures. The identifiers are productindependent and are managed centrally by the TPM_TRAC_GET_IDENTIFIERSmodule. The structures depend on the product groups. These are keptseparate by the environment variable I_ENV.
Tells the derivation tool which account determination keys must becombined with others. This should improve the performance of thederivation tool.
Gets the field value descriptions from the derivation tool structures.For this the routine accesses relevant text tables or descriptions fromdomains. If new account determination keys are defined, this routineshould be adjusted accordingly.
Checks derivation steps before they are saved. In this case, anindicator was set for all derivation steps affecting the accountassignment reference so that derivation is canceled as soon as anaccount assignment reference has been assigned. Any subsequentderivation steps will not be run because they will not result inassignment. This routine also ensures that derivation steps for derivinggrouping characteristics do not output error messages. Saving is impededif this indicator is set.
Modifies the screen for defining derivation steps. The routine reducesthe number of possible target fields to one. The maximum number ofsource fields is six.
Displays the text button in the button bar for defining derivationsteps.
Organizes how derivation rules are created or moved. The routinederivation steps for grouping characteristics can not be moved behindthose for account assignment reference and vice versa. An error messageis output if you try to do this. There are no restrictions imposed oncreating derivation steps.
Tests the derivation rule. This calls a function module.
The final routine is only used internally:
Searches for the first derivation step that determines an accountassignment reference. The rountine exports the index of this step. It isused by EXIT--STRATEGY--CHECK_ACTION and EXIT--AFTER_SAVE.