Purpose This report imports a file with the document extract of the incomingIS-U invoices into the corresponding short tables (abbreviated documentdata). Prerequisites The data to be imported must be in CSV format. Features The report imports the file with the extract of the incoming invoicesinto the following short tables: Short Table,,Contents,,Original Data from Table TINV_EXTR_HDR,,Extract administration,,(none, as metadata of extract) TINV_HEAD_SHORT,,Invoice header,,TINV_INV_HEAD TINV_DOC_SHORT,,Invoice document,,TINV_INV_DOC TINV_LINEB_SHORT,,Invoice line,,TINV_INV_LINE_B TINV_TRNSF_SHORT,,Transfer data,,TINV_INV_TRANSF If you have included customer-specific fields in the extract file, besure to adjust the short tables of the evaluation system accordingly.This ensures that the even these bits of data are imported. Selection You make the following entries in the selection screen:
- Enter the name of the CSV file with the incoming invoices you want to
- If the file is located locally on your front end, select the "Local
File" parameter.