SAP Program RS_SCRP_DYNP_CHECK_V2 - Check Tool for Screens

This program manages and organizes checks to find and remove errors inexisting screens.
Various "checks" are provided for the user.
A check consists of a function module for finding a certain error (checkmodule), and if the error can be repaired, there will also be a modulefor repairing.
The specification of a correction number is required for the repair. Ifthis is not known, it will be determined automatically from thetransport system.
The checks can analyze and repair a limited number of screens bothindividually and as a list (worklist).
The results of the checks can be stored on the database as well aslocally in the form of a list.
This way they are then available for subsequent, renewed viewing.

This program is part of the Screen Painter utilities and requiresdeveloper authorization.

The following function modules are prerequisites:

Creating, viewing, editing check and repair modules.
Execution of checks and repairs as well as storage of their results.

Database accesses:
The set of screens searched for is put together on the basis of apackage, a user responsible for the screens, a program name, and thescreen number from Table D020S using TADIR and TDEVC.

An overview list presents the results sorted by date. This list can bestord either locally or on the database.
If required, a log can be recorded for each run.