SAP Program RS_LDQ_MONITOR - LDQ Monitor

The LDQ (Local Data Queue) monitor enables you to display the individualrecorded units.
The units are stored on the database until they are processed. You canuse the monitor to view the state of the unit, from when it is firstrecorded until it has been processed.

LDQ is a functional alternative to the qRFC NO SEND scenario.

LDQ displays the recorded units.
The monitor aims to interfere with the actual processing of the units aslittle as possible. This means you may experience slight delays when youdisplay the status of a unit. For example, units are deleted once theyare processed, and cannot be displayed. This deletion actually occurs inthe background, which means that individual units may still be visible,despite having already been deleted.

The selection is displayed in a two-part screen.
The left half of the screen shows a hierarchy tree. The top level issplit into applications. Each procedure is divided into queues and thenqueue properties.
The right half of the screen shows the list of the units that match theitem chosen on the left.

You perform activities for single units from the right half of thescreen by positioning the cursor on the unit. The other activities areperformed from the left half of the screen.
Queue activities:
Delete queue
Unit activities:
Display content

Description of the Unit Fields (Local Data Queue)
Application name: ,,Application where the unit was created,,
Queue: ,,Queue name of the Local Data Queue
Unit ID: ,,Unique ID of a unit
Unit ID Counter:,,Additional identification for some queues
Format of Application Data:,,Application data can be saved in characterformat or binary format
Report name: ,,Report that created the unit
Transaction code: ,,Transaction that created the unit
Server name: ,,Server where the unit was created
User name: ,,User who created the unit,,
Language key: ,,Language of the unit
Time stamp: ,,Time stamp when the unit was created