SAP Program RS_D021T_CLEAN - D021T entries for non-existent screens

This program checks the consistency of screen texts in the current SAPsystem.
It checks whether the transparent, language-specific table D020T containscreen texts that do not have an entry in the screen root table D020S.
Any texts of this nature are redundant, since they are inaccessible.
The default setting is to display the inconsistencies.
However, you can also set the report to attempt to repair theinconsistencies by deleting the redundant D021T entries in alllanguages.
You can restrict the number of screens handled by the report by enteringselection criteria on the selection screen.

Selection criteria
Generic specifications ('*' at the end of the string) are allowed. Emptyfields are treated like '*'.

  • Program

  • Enter the program name (for example 'SAPLSEU0'). The default is '*' (allprograms).
    • Screen

    • Default is '*' (all screens)

      Extent of repair
      The checkbox on the selection screen determines how the program handlesany inconsistencies.

      • Overview only. No deletion

      • Default setting. The system only lists the inconsistencies that itfinds.

        The program assumes that table D020S (screens) is correct.
        You can run the program in the background. If you do not restrict thenumber of screens to be checked, SAP recommends that you run it in thebackground, since it may then take several minutes.

        The program generates a list with two main components:

        • Detail list

        • Contains all screens with entries in D021T and no entry in D020S.
          • Summary

          • The summary lists the selection criteria that you used, the number ofscreens that met the criteria, and the number of inconsistencies thatwere found or corrected by deletion.

            The program has two variants.

            • SAP&CHECK_ALL

            • Check all screens
              • SAP&REPAIR_ALL

              • Check and repair all screens.