SAP Program CND_MAST_DEL_EXC_OBJECTS - Deletion of Objects for the Transfer of Condition Master Data

This report can be used for deleting generated condition tables of CDBand sBDoc types for condition master data.

This report deletes objects from the database. Check the consequences ofthe deletion of these objects before using this report.
sBDoc types can only be deleted if no replication objects for thesesBDoc types exist anymore.
CDB tables can only be deleted if no related sBDoc types exist anymore.
It is only possible to delete CDB scale tables for a given combinationof usage and application if there are no longer any CDB condition tablesfor this usage/application combination.
Generally, the CDB tables have to be empty in order to be deleted.

For security reasons, the report cannot be executed with initial selectoptions. To delete CDB scale tables, the application and usage have tobe specified; for CDB condition tables and sBDoc types, the table numbermust also be specified.

A log of the deletion is displayed after it has been carried out.

1333090Structure definition incomplete for CDB condition tables
1333086Condition sBDocs cannot be deleted