This report enables you to delete the recorded status change entries ofbgRFC units whose destination is activitated for the unit history.
If you want to delete a large number of entries, schedule the report asa background job.
When deleted, the status change entries of the units are deleted in boththe local system and the target system.

To run the report, you require the authorization object 'S_BGRFC'.

You can limit the report to "Outbound" and "Inbound" units. You can makefurther restrictions for both properties under "Options forOutbound/Inbound".
Under "Options for Outbound/Inbound", you can select according tovarious criteria. You can select according to the number of units andthe time the status was changed. You must enter the status change timeas a UTC time stamp in the format YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun. Use the valuehelp to help you enter the time stamp.
If you enter values for the "Unit ID"; field, under"Unit ID in bgRFC",any other values enter under "Outbound", "Inbound", and "Options forOutbound/Inbound" are ignored. Only the status change entries of thespecified "Unit ID" are deleted.

The number of deleted entries, with the corresponding unit type, isdisplayed.
If a value is entered in the "Unit ID" field under "Unit ID in bgRFC",only the status change entries of this unit are deleted and the numberof deleted entries with this unit ID is displayed.