SAP Program RS_ADD_TITLE_TO_TC - Insert title in TableControl

Insert a title in generated view and table maintenance dialog screens,in accordance with the Accessibilty 508 guideline in the USA. The titleis the variable VIM_FRAME_FIELD, which is filled by default at viewmaintenance run-time, with the table/view short text.
This only affects maintenance dialogs which were generierated before4.6B, in which the VIM_POSITION_INFO field is also set to 'OutputOnly'. If a generated screen has a frame around the Table Controlcontaining the title, it is replaced by a TC title.
Complete the selection screen.
You can specify a view/table, a function group, a package or allpackages. Make only one entry.
No screen is changed in test mode (default). Only the required changesare output. If you deactivate the test mode, all screens found withouta title are given a title, and the screens are activated and put in atransport request. Local function groups are not affected.
The screens and function groups found are classified into the followingcategories in tabs:
Function group not in original system. Missing titles cannot be added.Go to the original system of the function group.
Locked function groups: If a function group in an open transportrequest is locked, it is listed here. You cannot process these screens.The d-number of the person responsible for the function group isspecified. He or she must release the transport and call the reportagain.
Title added: List of screen numbers (and function groups) for which atitle has been added.