SAP Program RS_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN - Source Scan ABAP Report

Search ABAP program code/screen flow logic for certain texts (strings).

Searched String:
You can enter several texts to be searched here. The text to be searchedshould be entered without masking characters (*,+). Only the enteredtext is relevant for the search; select option conditions like notequal, greater than, smaller than, etc. are ignored.
Found Location +/- x lines:
With this function, you can define how many program lines before andafter the found location of the searched strings are to be put out. Ifyou specify 0, then only the program lines that contain the searchedstring are displayed.
Resolving Includes:
This feature is useful when you search ABAP module pools, e.g. SAPMP56Tor ABAP function pools, e.g. SAPLPTRV_UTIL.n The report then alsosearches in all includes that are utilized in the specified programs.
Change Modification Assistant
Searches for all changes in the program code that were made with themodification assistant.
Ignore Comment Lines
All program lines that have a '*' in the first row, are ignored at thestring search and are also not displayed in the output.
Search Area:
Defines the search area
1. In the program coding of the selected ABAP programs
2. In the flow logic of the selected screens
3. In the program coding and the flow logic