A field has been added to the tables SXMSPERROR and SXMSPERRO2 toaccelerate the monitoring of messages with errors.
If a message with errors is persisted, a record is written automaticallyto one of these tables. The new field for this record is also filled. Arecord in this table represents a message. The field is empty forentries that already existed in this table. There are constraints forselecting such messages in the monitor.
You use this report to search for such entries and fill the requiredfields if necessary.

The report is designed to be restarted as often as necessary. Therefore,if the report terminates or is canceled, you can restart it. The new runcontinues from where the previous run was canceled.
The report sets a lock so that it is not possible to start the reportagain at the same time in a parallel process. Neither can you start thisreport parallel to a reorganization job (a delete or archiving job forXI messages).
The report contains the parameters described below. We recommend thatyou start the report with the default settings initially. In the defaultsetting, the 'Test' parameter is selected and a test run is started.Once this has been completed successfully, you can start the reportwithout the test parameter selected.


Number of entries (messages) to be processed in a loop pass. This valuedepends on the system, that is, on the hardware and system configurationused. The default value is 10,000 entries for each loop pass.

If this parameter is selected, a test run is started, that is,incomplete entries are identified but not changed. This parameter isselected in the default setting.

If this parameter is selected, the message GUID and the pipeline ID aredisplayed for messages with errors. In this case, messages with errorsare messages where an error occurred during processing.
This parameter is selected in the default setting.

If this parameter is selected, all table entries are compared,regardless of whether entries are still incomplete or not.
This parameter is selected in the default setting.

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