SAP Program RSWWARCR - Read Program for Work Items (for Archiving)

The read program is used to read in archived work items.
The function module SWW_WI_LIST_ARCHIVED_READ is calledinternally. It returns the header data of the work item which was readin a table. An archive is chosen via the file selection in the archiveadministration.
The read program can only be started directly. It cannot be accessedvia the central archiving transaction.
CAUTION: This read program is only intended to be a template for acustomer-specific read program, since the data selection from thearchive and the subsequent data formatting will generally becustomer-specific. The customer-specific adaptations start after thefunction module SWW_WI_LIST_ARCHIVED_READ is called.
If the data selection is to be made from a business object type, takenote of the report RSWWARCP.

The read program outputs a list-based log listing the IDs and shorttexts of the work items read.

49545Deleting unnecessary work items