SAP Program RSWWARCL - Reload Program for Work Items (for Archiving - Test Implementation)

The load program reloads work items from an archive back to thedatabase.
This program is only a test implementation. It is only used to checkwhether the data was READ correctly from the archive. No data isactually reloaded to the database. This function is not currentlyincorporated for the archiving object or archiving class WORKITEM.

A list is returned of all work items which were read from the archive.The following data is output unformatted for each work item found inthe archive:

  • Header data (SWWWIHEAD)

  • Deadline monitoring data (SWWWIDEADL)

  • Additional data for workflow work items (SWP_HEADER)

  • Container object data (SWW_CONTOB)

  • Action log (SWWLOGHIST)

  • Parameter log (SWWLOGPARA)

  • Node log of workflow work item (SWP_NODELOG)

  • Step log of workflow work item (SWP_STEPLOG)