SAP Program RSWUWFML2 - Sending notifications for work items

E-Mail notifications for new work items in the Business Workplace (RSWUW

The report sends notifications for work items by e-mail to SAP users whohave an Internet e-mail address. This enables users who do not normallyuse the Business Workplace to be informed about new work items. Thereport is used in particular to replace existing SAP MAPI installations.You can also send SAP shortcut attachments using this report. Theseenable the receiver of the e-mail to display or execute the work itemdirectly, or to open the Business Workplace in the SAP GUI for windows.
In the case of a periodically scheduled run (not a single run), thereport generates notifications for work items for which the followingapplies:

  • The work items must have the status ready.

  • The work items have been created since the last run (the time and date
  • of the last run is saved in a table) or:
    • The work items were changed by one of the following operations: forward,
    • return, resubmission complete, requested start reached.
      • The work items have a receiver with a valid Internet e-mail address.
      • Advantages:

        • Users who do not normally use the Business Workplace of a particular SAP
        • system because they use another e-mail client or another SAP system, canbe notified easily.
          • Workflow patterns or tasks do not need to be modified.

          • The generation of notifications does not need to be modeled in Workflow.

          • Overall performance is improved. Compared with SAP MAPI, this report is
          • better for performance since it determines the work items for all userswith just one selection, while each user must select their Workflowinbox individually in the case of SAP MAPI.


            • Work items that are reassigned to an inbox by changes in the
            • organizational structure are not included.
              • Normal SAPoffice messages from the Documents folder are not forwarded by
              • the report.
                • Active substitution is supported, but passive substitution is not. If an
                • agent has specified a substitute, but the substitution has not yet beenactivated, then the substitute does not receive the e-mail notificationfor the person he is substituting. This also applies if the substitutearranged the substitution himself.
                  • There is no password caching for shortcuts. If Single Sign-On is not
                  • active, the user needs to log on to the system separately.
                    • The messages are generated in text-only format.

                    • A user can be informed about multiple work items in a collective
                    • notification. However, the collective notification does not containdetails about the individual work items.
                      • Document and object attachments of a work item are not sent.

                      • No container variables or container expressions can be used in the
                      • descriptive texts (Before Work Item Description, After Work ItemDescription).
                        • Messages are generated in the language of the user for whom the report
                        • is running.
                          • Messages can only be sent to SMTP addresses (type INT).

                          • Groupware-specific forms are not supported.
                          • Integration
                            You schedule this report as a batch job.

                            The receivers of e-mail notifications must have maintained an e-mailaddress in the relevant SAP system. You can maintain a users e-mailaddress in either the central address management (transaction SU01) orthe personal office settings in the Business Workplace, under AutomaticForwarding. You no longer need to activate the Mail Group in the generaloffice settings for RSWUWFML2.


                            Instance data:

                            • Job Suffix:

                            • Using a job suffix enables you to have multiple instances of the reportrunning simultaneously. Note that the times for the last run are savedfor the individual instances. You can set the report parametersdifferently here.
                              • Tasks:

                              • You can restrict the selection of work items to work items forparticular tasks. You can select multiple tasks here.
                                • New work items only:

                                • This option enables you to deactivate the inclusion of change work items(see above). This may be useful for performance reasons for Releases4.6C and 4.6D in particular, since there is no index to tableSWWLOGHIST, which is used for determining the changed work items.

                                  Send granularity:
                                  If you change this setting, then the default settings in the lower frameare changed dynamically.

                                  • One message per work item

                                  • One message is sent for each new work item. This contains thedescription of the work item and accompanying texts, as specified underStandard Text for Notification.
                                    • Collective message:

                                    • Only one message is sent for all new work items for a particular user.The message does not contain any information about the individual workitems.

                                      Add executable message attachments for:
                                      Executable attachments are SAP shortcuts that receivers of messages canuse to directly display a work item in the SAP GUI for Windows. SAPshortcuts contain the relevant logon language from the central addressmanagement (transaction SU01) for each individual receiver. The systemID and the client contained in the shortcut correspond to the system inwhich the report is running.

                                      • Workflow Inbox

                                      • An SAP shortcut is added to the message so that the message receiver canstart the Business Workplace directly in the SAP GUI for Windows.
                                        • Work Item Display:

                                        • An SAP shortcut is added to the message so that the message receiver candisplay the work item directly in the SAP GUI for Windows.
                                          • Work Item Execution

                                          • An SAP shortcut is added to the message so that the message receiver canexecute the work item directly in the SAP GUI for Windows. Secondarymethods are also executed at the same time.

                                            Standard message text
                                            This option enables you to define the message subject and text, which isadded to the work item description. The text contains generalinformation for the user about what to do with the message.

                                            • Message class for subject

                                            • Message class of a T100 message (transaction SE91) from which thesubject line for the message is determined. Message class SWU_NOTIFcontains the messages that are shipped by SAP.
                                              • Message number for subject

                                              • Number of a T100 message (transaction SE91) from which the subject linefor the message is determined. The T100 message can contain twoparameters. Parameter &1 is replaced by the system ID. Parameter &2 isreplaced by the work item text.
                                                • Before work item description

                                                • ID of a SAPscript text (transaction SE61) of type Text in Dialog, whichis inserted before the actual work item description in the message. Thetext contains the form of address for the user and the reference toBusiness Workflow. Ensure that the text matches the send granularity.The system proposes an appropriate text. Includes and symbols within aSAPscript text are expanded. Workflow-specific variables or expressions(for example, from the container) cannot be used, however.
                                                  • After work item description

                                                  • ID of a SAPscript text (transaction SE61) of type Text in Dialog, whichis inserted after the actual work item description in the message.Ensure that the text matches the send granularity. The system proposesan appropriate text.

                                                    SAP shortcut parameter:
                                                    Here you can define the ID of an entry in the SAPLogon, which isincluded as the parameter Description in each shortcut that is sent.This parameter determines the SAPLogon entry that is used for loggingonto the SAP system. The prerequisite is that you can guarantee that thethe saplogon.ini has the corresponding entry on all user PCs. Theparameter is only useful and required if there are multiple saplogon.inientries for the same system on the users PCs. You can control an entryindividually, for example, an entry that is configured for SingleSign-On.

                                                    Data for single run
                                                    A single run is performed if the input fields contain a data, time, andoptionally a user. A single run is recommend if work items are to besent again from a particular time and date, for example due to a problemwhen sending the e-mails. Contrary to a periodically scheduled run, in asingle run the time of the last run is not saved.

                                                    • From work item creation date

                                                    • First day when work items are to be included.
                                                      • From work item creation time:

                                                      • Time on first day when work items are to be included.
                                                        • User:

                                                        • Notifications are only generated for work items that have this user inthe Business Workplace. You must not use this option to restrict thesending of notifications in the productive environment to certain users.

                                                          During its run, the report writes a log in a spool file and an entry inthe application log. You can define what is logged:

                                                          • Errors Only: Only error messages are logged

                                                          • All: Success and error messages are logged

                                                          • You can display the application log by calling transaction SLG1. Enterthe object=WF and the sub object=NOTIFICATIONS as the selection values.


                                                            • If one message is sent for each work item, the message contains the task
                                                            • description and the standard text. If one message is sent for all workitems, the message contains just the standard text. Express mails aresent for express work items.
                                                              • If the messages include executable attachments, they are sent to each
                                                              • user individually. If executable attachments are not required, allmessages that refer to the same work item are sent to a receiver list,which comprises the selected agents.
                                                                • If you have selected a Collective message, only one message is sent to
                                                                • each receiver per run, regardless of the number of work items for thisuser.
                                                                  • The results of database queries (for example, e-mail addresses) are
                                                                  • buffered to improve system performance.
                                                                    • The usual logic when using SAP shortcuts applies when logging on to
                                                                    • execute shortcuts. If the parameter Description is specified in the SAPshortcut, but there is no saplogon.ini entry with this name, the systemdisplays an error message when you attempt to execute the shortcut. Ifthe parameter Description is not specified, a saplogon.ini entry withthe relevant system is selected instead. The prerequisite for this isthat the entries were created in the SAPLogon by using the Groups orServer selection. Otherwise, the system ID cannot be determined from theentry. If a session with the relevant entries forsystem/client/user/language is already open, a new session is openedautomatically without the user needing to log on. If no such session isalready open, the user must log on again. If the selected saplogon.inientry is configured for Single Sign-On, the system logs the user onautomatically. If it is not configured, the system displays a logonwindow in which the user must enter their password.

                                                                      Determine the relevant work items. Dialog work items and missed deadlinework items are included. Forwarding and changes to the organizationalstructure are not included.
                                                                      Determine the receiver for each determined work item. Activesubstitution is included, but passive substitution is not. Substituteprofiles and task classifications are included.
                                                                      Only receivers who have an Internet e-mail address (type INT) areincluded.
                                                                      Create message body (partly work item-specific).
                                                                      Send the message to all receivers.

                                                                      Standard Variants
                                                                      You can define variants for scheduling. If you use multiple variants youmust at least use the job suffix to differentiate between them.

                                                                      You can generate a log file and an application log.

1082749WF: Performance issue in RH_PBUILD_WORKFLOW
733681RSWUWFML2: Additional information for the documentation
688712RSWUWFML2: Delivery by Support Package
704016Details to include when creating a workflow customer message