SAP Program RSWUDI10 - Report About Version Numbers for Different Releases

The report shows the number of versions for each release for workflowtemplates. The templates for which the number of active versions is notexactly one are marked.
From the list of workflow templates, you can access the detail displayby double-clicking on an entry, the object catalog by choosing Goto ->Object Catalog Entry or the basic data display by choosing Goto ->Basic Data.


In accordance with the selection criteria, all workflow templates arelisted with their key, the release number, the status (OK, if theworkflow template has one active version for the release), theidentification for local objects, the number of versions, the number ofactive versions, the short text and the description.
If you double-click on an entry, you access the detail display for theworkflow template.
This detail display lists the version number, an identification for theactive version, the exe type, the creator, and the date and timecreated with the selected workflow. The package and transport layer arealso displayed.