SAP Program RSWBO113 - Namespace Information System

This program presents the functions of the Namespace Information Systemon a single screen:

  • Namespace information

  • Select and display the namespaces available to a development team inthe SAP System.
    Display a list of namespaces with their attributes, selected accordingto the parameters modifiability, role and license.
    You can select a namespace in this list and then display it on thescreen.
    Display short text, owner and attributes for the selected namespace.
    Display recording of changes (requests/tasks) for the selectednamespace entry
    • Information on naming conventions

    • Display the naming conventions defined for a development project (forexample, a development class), search for free naming conventions.
      Display selected reservations for naming conventions by package, objecttype and naming convention.
      Display an object list for a selected naming convention.
      You can use this function to search for free name ranges for newreservations, both locally and in remote systems. You can exclude thepackage for which you have made a reservation, or for which you want tomake a reservation.
      To display cross-object type naming conventions, or search for freename ranges for cross-object type reservations, you need to enter theobject type ALLE.
      • Information on object names

      • Display the namespace and the reserved naming convention for an objectname.
        Display the object attributes (object directory entry, lock entry, andso on).
        Display the object by branching to the object editor.

        You require the display authorization in the Change and TransportSystem.