SAP Program RSWBO080 - Extended Table Maintenance for Namespace Tables

RSWBO080 allows you to display and maintain namespaces for the currentSAP System.
You can control the actions by using the following program parameters:


  • Display (ACTION = "S") or maintain (ACTION = "U") namespaces

    • Pre-selection of the displayed namespaces
      The following values are supported:
      VARIANTE = "STANDARD" only displays prefix namespaces. (Objects fromthis namespace always contain the namespace as a prefix in the objectname).
      The list displayed here is sufficient for regular applications.
      VARIANTE = " " also shows the logical namespaces defined in the SAPSystem. (The objects belonging to logical namespaces do not contain anamespace as a prefix in the object name. The object is assigned to thelogical namespace using implicit naming conventions).
      In addition the namespaces are displayed that are specially reserved bySAP for generated SAP objects.
      • SPEC_ATT:

      • The value of this parameter is only relevant in user-defined SAPSystems. It determines the maintainability of special namespaceattributes, which can only be assigned by SAP and only for SAP's ownnamespaces.
        Therefore, with the default setting SPEC_ATT = " ", the maintenance ofthese special namespace attributes is not possible in the user-definedSAP System.
        With SPEC_ATT = "X" you can change these special namespace attributesin the user-defined SAP System in exceptional cases (only whenexplicitly requested by SAP, e.g. by the SAP Hotline). Do not use thisvalue in regular operations, in order to avoid inconsistent namespacesettings in the user-defined SAP System.

        The program branches to the maintenance view for namespaces in theRepository.
        For more information, see Help -> SAP Library ->Basis -> Change and Transport System -> Namespacesand Naming Conventions.