SAP Program RSWBO0052 - Global Customizing (Transport Organizer)

This program allows you to maintain the global Customizing settings forthe Transport Organizer.
Customizing settings can be made for the following areas:

  • Transport error at logon

  • If the user has transports with errors, a dialog box appears at logon,displaying the faulty and successful transports (imports/exports). Thisis only displayed if the user has faulty transports.)
    There are the following settings:
    Globally activated
    Globally deactivated
    Can be set for specific user
    • Object checks when request released

    • When a request is released, various object checks are performed. Onlyafter the check has been performed can a request be released.
      The following settings are possible:
      Globally activated
      Globally deactivated
      Can be set for specific user
      • Request release

      • You can specify that releases are only allowed in the background. Youcan also specify a server for the background process.

        This program can only be executed by a user with an administrationauthorization in the Transport Organizer area.

        This action is logged in the SAP system. You can display the log bychoosing Log.