SAP Program RSWBO004 - Set System Change Option

Use this program to set the system change option.
Use the global setting to specify whether Repository objects andcross-client Customizing are modifiable or not.
To make cross-client Customizing objects modifiable, you need to allowchanges in the global setting and the Client Setting.
There is also another option for Repository objects: Each Repositoryobject is in a namespace or name range, and in a software component.
So that a Repository object can be changed, you need to set thefollowing to Modifiable:

  • the global setting

  • the namespace or name range

  • the software component of the object

  • You can set the software component so that the Repository objects areModifiable; have Restricted modifiability; are notmodifiable; only enhanceable; or are not modifiable; notenhanceable.
    Restricted modifiability means that you can create Repositoryobjects in this software component as non-original objects only.
    Not modifiable; enhanceable only means that Repository objectscannot be created or modified in this software component; you can,however, make enhancements to this software components as part of theABAP enhancement concept. You must create these enhancements in amodifiable software component.
    Not modifiable; not enhanceable means that you cannot modify orenhance Repository objects in this software component.
    The settings modifiable and Restricted modifiabilityinclude enhanceability.
    You can set the namespace or name range so that its Repository objectsare modifiable or not modifiable.

    You need the administration authorization for the Change and TransportOrganizer to execute this report program.

    All software components and namespaces/name ranges are displayed. Youcan then make your changes to them.

    The SAP System logs this activity. To display the log of the systemchange option settings, choose Log.
    The way the system change option is set has no effect on client-specificCustomizing changes. The Client Control Settingdetermines whether you can change client-specific Customizing or not.
    To set those namespaces for which you have the producer role toModifiable, choose Edit -> Own namespaces modifiable
    . These include your own prefix namespaces, if you have applied forany from SAP. For more information on using prefix namespaces, seeHelp -> SAP Library -> BC - Basis Components ->Change and Transport System -> Namespaces and NamingConventions -> Development in Reserved Namespaces.

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