SAP Program RSUVM005 - System Measurement: User Classification

Manual classification of the dialog and system users and reviewingclassifications

You can call the program in the system measurement transaction (USMM)by choosing "Goto" -> "User classification"


The program provides two different lists that you can switch betweenusing the "Simple List" or "Extended List" pushbutton:
In the simple list, you only see the manual classifications of thedialog users. Users that are automatically created by the system (suchas DDIC, SAP*) are not displayed.
In the extended list, you can additionally see the classification usinga reference user, if it exists, and the classification taken intoaccount during a system measurement. This list is especially suited toreviewing classifications.

The simple list displays the following columns:

  • User Client, User ID

  • Validity Period of the user(valid from/valid to)

  • Manually maintained user type and, if applicable, surcharge (special
  • version or country surcharge)
    • SAP Software Change Registration (SSCR) Indicator

    • You can also display the following columnsusing the "Change Layout"function:
      • Name of the system in which the chargeable user was defined (relevant
      • for "Multi Client/System" user type
        • Client and name of the chargeable user (relevant for "Multi Client
        • /System" and "Substitute" user types)
          • Validity period of the substitution (Relevant for "Substitute" user
          • type
            In the extended list, you can see how a user is counted duringsystem measurement. The rules below are followed:
            For manually classified users, their classification is used.
            For users that take their authorizations exclusively from a referenceuser (no roles, no profiles), and for which the assigned reference useris classified, the classification of the reference user is inherited.
            All other users are counted as Operational (Software Components PriceList) or as Category II ( Price List) (depending onthe active price list).
            In the extended list, you can see the following columns:
            • User Client, User ID

            • Validity Period of the user (valid from/valid until)

            • Checked user type and checked special version; that is, the
            • classification, that is taken into account during a system measurement
              • Manually maintained user type and special version

              • Name of reference user (if assigned)

              • Number of profiles and roles assigned to the user

              • User type and special version of the reference user

              • You can additionally display the following columns using the "ChangeLayout" function:
                • E-ASL indicator (only relevant for systems with ORACLE databases)

                • SAP Software Change Registration (SSCR) indicator

                • Name of the system in which the chargeable user was defined (valid for
                • "Multi Client/System" user type)
                  • Client and name of the chargeable user (Valid for "Multi Client/System
                  • and "Subsitute" user types)
                    • Validity period of the substitution (Valid for "Substitute" user type)
                    • Activities
                      By double clicking a line in the list, you call a popup window withwhich you can classify a user or delete the manual classification ofthe user.
                      If you want to change the classification of a reference user, choose"Goto -> Reference User Classification" in the main screen of thesystem measurement transaction.