SAP Program RSUSR409 - Transfer all translated titles to generated transaction codes

Insert existing translations for new transaction codes to avoid anothertranslation.
This report should only be executed in the A40 system.
The report examines all transaction codes generated in table TSTCT tosee if translations exist for all the languages in the system. If thisis not the case (the normal case), it inserts the existing translationof the title for that report.
The reason behind this is that you should create transaction codes forall reports in a report tree, in order to better protect theauthorizations of these reports and include them in the ProfileGenerator. The title of the transaction codes should be transferred tothe reports in the process. It is not necessary to retranslate the thetitle.

Report RSUSR407 was executed in all development systems. The reportgenerates transaction codes for existing reports and adopts the titleand possibly any translations that already exist.
You cannot execute report RSUSR409 in A40 until after these new entrieshave been transported.