SAP Program RSUSR060 - Where-used lists

Short text
Report for where-used lists

This report gives you the where-used lists for profiles, authorizationobjects and authorization values.
The functionality is the same as that which you receive when you clickon the 'where-used list' button in the corresponding list. You can usethis report to enter the object, for which the where-used list isrequired, directly in the selection screen.
If you have called this report from the authorization info system, youstart it using a variant which controls whether you receive the entryscreen for profiles, authorizations, objects or values.
To enter the authorization values you must specify the authorizationobject in the first screen. If you click on the 'Execute' pushbutton,you branch to a further selection screen in which you can enter thevalues.

After clicking on the 'where-used list' pushbutton, a dialog boxappears, in which you can specify the search range of the where-usedlist. For further information on the lists, see the documentation tothe following reports that create the corresponding lists according tocomplex selection criteria: RSUSR030, RSUSR020, RSUSR002, RSUSR070.(Select the corresponding branch in the information system).
Further selection options:
New where-used list
Change documents
Documentation of the objects