SAP Program RSUPGTAS - Determine Upgrade-relevant Data for Table Conversion

This program determines the size of certain tables (withoutsubstitution tables).
The analysis is used for a preliminary prognosis of the conversionvolume and therefore for a runtime estimate for future upgrades.
The data is determined in the customer system and, on request,transferred directly to the OSS system for further evaluation by SAP.At a later point, appropriate feedback will then be given on theprognosis for the upgrade runtime, conversion volume, as well asinstructions for optimizing runtimes of future upgrades, using the datadetermined. Completed analysis data is passed to SAP automaticallyduring the next upload, provided this has been set accordingly in theCustomizing settings in transaction SCUI.
The data is only used within SAP and solely for the purpose ofoptimizing future procedures for release upgrades and databaseconversions.

  • Input field "Min. table size (MB)":

  • The minimum size specified here (1 MB to 10 MB) refers only to thevolume of table data to be uploaded to the OSS system. If, for example,the default value 5 MB is accepted, only table data which is at least 5MB is uploaded (and displayed). For a larger value, the list issmaller, and vice versa. However, the value specified does notinfluence the runtime of the analysis, since the sizes of all tables inthe selection set have to be determined beforehand. The restrictiononly reduces the relevant result set and the data volume to betransferred.
    If an analysis run is currently scheduled in the background or isactive, this field is no longer ready for input, but shows the valueselected at the start of the analysis. This can no longer be changedfor the current analysis.
    • Time intervals for restricting runtimes allowed:

    • Since the analysis can last a very long time - depending on thedatabase, number of tables, and data volume - you can restrict thetimes during which the program can run. In the initial screen, you canenter up to two periods in which the background job MUST NOT run. Ifthis restriction is used, the background job may run over several days(depending on the amount of runtime available per day). In this case,the job is interrupted at the start of an exclusion time and continuedin the background at a later time at the point the analysis had lastreached. By specifying the values start time 1 and end time 1, andstart time 2 and end time 2, you can enter up to two periods duringwhich the analysis is not allowed to run. If a background job inprocess reaches one of the intervals, it terminates after it hascompleted the elementary database operation it is just carrying out. Itautomatically schedules a new run in the background for the next timepossible to continue the analysis. If both periods are not specified(i.e. "00:00:00"), there are no time restrictions for the backgroundjob - it can run at any time and can be started immediately.
      • Pushbutton "Change job"

      • This only appears if an analysis job is currently scheduled or active.It is possible to change the periods specifying the exclusion times forthe job run even after the job has started. If you want to change therestriction periods, enter the new values and click on this pushbutton.The values entered are passed to the background job.
        However, the changes do not become effective directly for the jobscheduling. Only active background jobs immediately recognize the newtimes specified and react appropriately.
        Help: If the background job has been scheduled for a later point intime but you have changed the time intervals in the meantime so that itcan also run at the current time, go to the job list by choosing'Display job', select the scheduled job, choose Job -> Schedule job ->Cancel, and then start the job IMMEDIATELY with F6 (Job -> Schedule job-> Release). The changed interval values are recognized immediately andthe background job can react appropriately.
        • Analysis selection set:

        • Depending on the analysis selection set specified, the following tablesare analyzed (without the substitution tables):
          All tables
          Tables contained in an external table list
          All tables using domains that are contained in an external domain list
          You would normally want to run an analysis of all tables. The other twooptions possible "Tables by table list" and "Tables by domain list" areonly useful in certain situations and require an appropriate inputfile. Only use these two options in situations (for example, as part ofan upgrade) where you are prompted to do so by SAP and you have thenecessary file available.
          If a background job is currently scheduled or active, only theselection set valid for the analysis just started is visible.
          • Output field "File path"

          • This field shows the path determined in the current system for the binsubdirectory of the transport directory in which the external file ofthe table or domain list is read by the program.
            • Input field "File name (for list)"

            • For the selection sets "Tables by table list" or "Tables by domainlist", the name of the required input file must be specified here. Thefile is read under the specified name in the operating system pathcontained in the "File path" field above.
              If the selection set "All tables" is selected, this field has nofunction.
              • Pushbutton "Start job":

              • When the parameters have been entered, the analysis is scheduled orstarted in the background by choosing this option. If an analysis iscurrently scheduled or active, the following pushbutton appearsinstead:
                • Pushbutton "Display job":

                • This appears instead of the pushbutton "Start job" if an analysis hasalready been scheduled or started in the background. By choosing thisoption, you branch directly to the job list for checking the status ofthe background job.
                  • Pushbutton "Display results":

                  • Displays analysis results of a previous run which has been completed.If a new analysis run is currently active in the background orscheduled to continue a run which has already started, the currentresults determined are displayed. The overview also shows some statusinformation, for example on the parameters selected, the number ofrestarts (due to exclusion times specified), and the upload status(whether and when the data displayed was transferred to the OSSsystem).

                    Make sure that your system configuration allows at least one backgroundjob to be scheduled and to run, and that the user involved has theappropriate authorizations.

                    The analysis results are placed in internal database tables. If youwish, they can be sent to SAP via the OSS system for evaluation. Bychoosing "Display results", you can display the individual resultsfound. You can then print or save these, for example, by choosing"System -> List -> ".

                    All tables are to be analyzed. The data of all tables which are atleast 5 MB is to be transferred. The analysis is not allowed to run inthe background from 6:00 - 12:30 and from 14:00 - 20:00 so thatproduction operation is not overloaded unnecessarily.
                    Thus, start the program and enter the appropriate values:
                    Min. table size 5 (standard value accepted)
                    Start time 1 06:00:00
                    End time 1 12:30:00
                    Start time 1 14:00:00
                    End time 1 20:00:00
                    The selection set for the analysis is already selected with "Alltables".
                    By choosing "Start job", the analysis is started in the background orscheduled at the appropriate time.

                    Further information/support
                    If you have any questions on the program or require our support, createan OSS message in the application area BC-ADM-UPG so that we can dealwith your inquiry as quickly as possible.