SAP Program RSUMOD04 - Modification Adjustment: Repository


  • Introduction

  • Requirements

  • Procedure

  • Preparations for transaction SPAU

  • Transaction SPAU

  • Adjusting other systems

  • Notes (trouble shooting)
  • Introduction
    This documentation describes how R/3 Repository objects are adjustedafter an upgrade. This adjustment is made using transaction SPAU, whichis to be executed as soon as upgrade control program R3up calls for it.
    The following are processed by transaction SPAU:

    • Reports (Includes, module pools, ABAP reports, function modules)

    • messages

    • menus

    • screens

    • You have already adjusted ABAP Dictionary objects (domains, dataelements, and tables) using transaction SPDD. In addition to theseDictionary objects, which can cause data to be lost if adjustment isnot carried out correctly, you are now shown objects of the Dictionary,which cannot cause any data losses. These are:
      • matchcode objects

      • views

      • lock objects

      • The only objects affected are those that have both been modified by youand delivered by SAP in this upgrade. Objects that you have modifiedthat are not supplied by SAP as part of this upgrade do not appear inthe display.
        Transaction SPAU supplies you with the intersection of the SAPtransport and your modifications automatically. It also provides adriver function for step-by-step and full adjustment of all relevantobjects. The aim of the adjustment is to integrate any technicalchangesyou have made into the new SAP versions. The tools for findingyour modifications are based on the stored versions in the versionmanagement function.

        The only objects displayed for processing are those that were eitherrepaired in this system or that were modified by a customer transport(e.g. K9*). You can find these using the correction and transportinformation system (SE01). If you are unable to find the objects youthought you modified here, read the notes at the end of thisdocumentation for instructions on how to proceed.

        Unlike in earlier releases, an analysis is made from 3.0A in a testphase before the upgrade, that determines the objects for whichadjustment is necessary. This means that, if you have made no or veryfew modifications, you will not normally be called on to carry out anadjustment.
        If you made modifications at points where SAP also made modificationsin the upgrade that has just been carried out, you are called upon tocarry out an adjustment at the end of the upgrade. Even during the testphase it is, thus, possible to see whether it is necessary to carry outan adjustment. As a result, upgrade control program R3up can show youwhether adjustment is required as early as the test phase. From thispoint onwards, it is possible to display the objects found usingtransaction SPAU (display possible only with a source Release laterthan 3.0A; when upgrading to Release 3.0A, look at the log filereferred to by control program R3up at operating system level). Acomparison of the old status with the new is, of course, impossible atthis point, since only the object list and not the new objects has beenimported at this point.

        Preparations for transaction SPAU
        Before starting the adjustment, the R/3 system must be given the statusrepair system:

        • Call transaction STME as user DDIC: Scroll to the end and choose "All
        • objects with correction system".
          • Next log on under your normal user name (user DDIC cannot carry out any
          • repairs).
            Note the following points with respect to modification adjustment:
            • Do not work under user DDIC, but under a regular user and ensure that a
            • correction is entered in the correction system is you make a repair.
              • Include only SAP objects to be adjusted that are accessed here via
              • transaction SPAU in this correction and not any objects that you mayhave developed yourselves (customer objects).
                To ensure support for adjustment in subsequent Release changes and tosimplify adjustment in other systems (such as the production system,for example), it is immportant that you create a request for allcorrections relating to transaction SPAU in the correction system. Alsonote the information given in the section "Adjusting other systems".

                Transaction SPAU
                Transaction SPAU uses the Release level just imported as the basis forits work. Transaction SPAU provides these functions, which aredescribed below:

                • Object filter

                • Comparison of old and new status

                • Maintenance

                • Return to SAP standard

                • Setting 'closed' flag

                • Refreshing

                • Releasing a transport
                • Object filter
                  In the first screen you are shown a list of objects changed both by youand by SAP. The list can be sorted either by development class or bycorrection. To switch to the other view, choose Settings ->Change view.
                  Within the various development classes or corrections, the objects aredisplayed sorted by object class. To look at a modified object, selectthe object in question by double-clicking. If you then select anobject, a comparison between all existing versions is displayedautomatically.
                  The objects in the hierarchical tree list are shown in different colorsindicating their status. For information on the significance of thedifferent colors, choose Utilities -> Color legend.

                  Comparison of the old and new statuses
                  if you select a single object, all existing versions are displayed bythe version management function. The display corresponds to that of theversion management function. In addition to the status of the objectprior to the upgrade (penultimate version stored), it also contains thenew SAP standard version as the last version stored. The last existingversion was just generated by user R3TRANS, while penultimate versionwill presumably have been generated by a developer working in yoursystem.
                  Therefore, start by comparing the last but one version with the versionbefore that to find out what changes you made. If you discover that nodifferences exist, this means that you did not keep a modification thatyou made previously. You can can also see this from the fact that thelast version and the version before last of user R3TRANS have beengenerated. To ensure that this change is no longer displayed in SPAU,you should close the modification. For more information, refer to thesection "Return to SAP standard".

                  Transaction SPAU only supplies an analysis. Carry out the adjustmentusing the relevant maintenance transactions, preferably in a secondparallel window.

                  Return to SAP standard
                  If, after analyzing the results of the comparison, you come to theconclusion that you no longer wish to maintain the modifications youhave made, you should call Return to SAP standard for the objectin question. You will need this function in particular if you havemaintained an SAP preliminary correction at any time. Since thepreliminary correction and possibly also additional corrections aresupplied with the next SAP upgrade, you can close the preliminarycorrection.
                  With the function Return to SAP standard you identify thechanges made to the object as closed and return to the SAP standard. Anobject you identify as closed will not be shown in transaction SPAUalthough it was included in a repair. In the version managementdisplay, this status is shown by the indicator C (closed).
                  Caution: After you return to the SAP standard the object istreated in the same way as any modified object and is overwrittenwithout saving the old status if an upgrade takes place.

                  Setting the closed indicator
                  To facilitate the processing of the object list that is generated, youcan set any object in the list to status 'closed'. If you select thisfunction, the status of the object is changed, shown by a color change.Assigning an object the status 'closed' is intended to assist you inorganizing your work and does not have any kind of internal function.

                  If you select this function, the information on the database is read inagain and the display is updated. This does not affect the number ofobjects, but only the status of the objects, which is shown through theuse of different colors.

                  Release transport
                  The Release transport function is intended simply to assist youin adjusting other systems. In this context you should not use thetransport release mechanism provided by transaction SE01. For moredetailed information, refer to the section Adjusting other systems

                  Adjusting other systems
                  As well as your production system, you normally also have a testsystem. If this is the case, an update level is imported first into thetest system and then, after a quality test, into the production system(or other systems).
                  To adjust objects in the production system, the same rules apply asdescribed above. If you can ensure that your test system has the sametechnical status as your production system, a simplified adjustmentprocedure can be used.
                  Technically identical means:

                  • Before the upgrade, the test system had the same Release level as your
                  • production system
                    • In your test system only objects are modified that exist in the same
                    • form in the production system or are to be transferred to theproduction system.
                      If these conditions apply, you can copy the modifications adjustedpreviously in the test system by means of a transport rather thancarrying out a second manual adjustment using transaction SPAU. If youare able to copy a transport, you will not be requested at the end ofthe upgrade to execute transaction SPAU. The time required for anupgrade will be reduced, an import consideration particularly for aproduction system.
                      To describe the procedure it is necessary to look at both the upgradeof the test system and the upgrade of the production system.

                      Test system upgrade
                      Perform the adjustment in the test system in the usual way. Make surethat all repairs are recorded by the correction and transport system.
                      Release the repair and create a transport request when releasing therepair.
                      Caution: Do not release the transport that is produced intransaction SE01. Instead, use the function Release transportprovided by transaction SPAU for transport to another system. Checkthat the function Release transport was performed by looking atthe log file provided.
                      The function Release transport from transaction SPAU not onlyreleases and exports the transport as would transaction SE01, but alsomakes the preparations for an import into another system. Up until thistime the upgrade directory may not be changed (deleted or prepared foranother upgrade).

                      Production system upgrade
                      In the test phase of the upgrade, upgrade control program R3up checkswhether transports exist that you have marked for transport from thetest system to the production system. During subsequent analysis in thetest phase, a further check is made to see whether an entry exists inthe transport you specified for each modified object found in thissystem. If this is the case, the upgrade control program R3up suggeststhat you import the transport automatically rather than maintaining itmanually using transaction SPAU.
                      Even if you do not find an entry corresponding to each modified objectin the transport, it may still make sense to import the transport. Forexample, it is conceivable that you may no longer wish to maintain amodification and have not, therefore, made a repair. In this case, theupgrade control program R3up will indicate that the transport does notcontain an entry for every object that is indicated as modified. Toobtain more detailed information about the discrepancy, you can log onto the system and call transaction SPAU (display possible with sourceRelease later than 3.0A. When upgrading to Release 3.0A, look at thelog file specified by upgrade control program R3up at operating systemlevel). The objects included in the transport are highlighted in color.
                      Once you have check up on the discrepancy you are asked whether youstill wish to import the transport automatically. If you decide to doso, the specified transport is imported automatically during theupgrade.

                      Notes (Troubleshooting)

                      • The Transport Organizer (SE01) does not show any corrections or
                      • customer transports, although you know that you have modified objectsin the system:
                        If this is the case, you must identify the SAP standard object that youhave modified as such. To do so, include the objects in a repair andrelease the repair.
                        • No differences were established when comparing the version before last
                        • and the version before that:
                          Even during the last upgrade you did not keep any modifications made tothis object. Using the function Close modification you shouldidentify the modification made to this object as closed.
                          • The last version and the version before last were generated by user
                          • R3TRANS:
                            Even during the last upgrade you did not keep any modifications made tothis object. Using the function Close modification you shouldidentify the modification made to this object as closed.