- Introduction
- Requirements
- Procedure
- Preparations for transaction SPAU
- Transaction SPAU
- Adjusting other systems
- Notes (trouble shooting)
Introduction This documentation describes how R/3 Repository objects are adjustedafter an upgrade. This adjustment is made using transaction SPAU, whichis to be executed as soon as upgrade control program R3up calls for it. The following are processed by transaction SPAU:
- Reports (Includes, module pools, ABAP reports, function modules)
- messages
- menus
- screens
You have already adjusted ABAP Dictionary objects (domains, dataelements, and tables) using transaction SPDD. In addition to theseDictionary objects, which can cause data to be lost if adjustment isnot carried out correctly, you are now shown objects of the Dictionary,which cannot cause any data losses. These are:
- matchcode objects
- views
- lock objects
The only objects affected are those that have both been modified by youand delivered by SAP in this upgrade. Objects that you have modifiedthat are not supplied by SAP as part of this upgrade do not appear inthe display. Transaction SPAU supplies you with the intersection of the SAPtransport and your modifications automatically. It also provides adriver function for step-by-step and full adjustment of all relevantobjects. The aim of the adjustment is to integrate any technicalchangesyou have made into the new SAP versions. The tools for findingyour modifications are based on the stored versions in the versionmanagement function.Requirements The only objects displayed for processing are those that were eitherrepaired in this system or that were modified by a customer transport(e.g. K9*). You can find these using the correction and transportinformation system (SE01). If you are unable to find the objects youthought you modified here, read the notes at the end of thisdocumentation for instructions on how to proceed.Procedure Unlike in earlier releases, an analysis is made from 3.0A in a testphase before the upgrade, that determines the objects for whichadjustment is necessary. This means that, if you have made no or veryfew modifications, you will not normally be called on to carry out anadjustment. If you made modifications at points where SAP also made modificationsin the upgrade that has just been carried out, you are called upon tocarry out an adjustment at the end of the upgrade. Even during the testphase it is, thus, possible to see whether it is necessary to carry outan adjustment. As a result, upgrade control program R3up can show youwhether adjustment is required as early as the test phase. From thispoint onwards, it is possible to display the objects found usingtransaction SPAU (display possible only with a source Release laterthan 3.0A; when upgrading to Release 3.0A, look at the log filereferred to by control program R3up at operating system level). Acomparison of the old status with the new is, of course, impossible atthis point, since only the object list and not the new objects has beenimported at this point. Preparations for transaction SPAU Before starting the adjustment, the R/3 system must be given the statusrepair system:
- Call transaction STME as user DDIC: Scroll to the end and choose "All
objects with correction system".
- Next log on under your normal user name (user DDIC cannot carry out any
repairs). Note the following points with respect to modification adjustment: