SAP Program RSTXLDMC - Uploading TIFF Files to SAPscript Texts

The report RSTXLDMC allows a TIFF graphics file to be uploaded from thefile system of the R/3 GUI to a standard text in the R/3 word processorSAPscript. (TIFF is a registered trademark of the Aldus Corporation.)
When uploading, the TIFF graphic is converted either into a black andwhite raster image (parameter type=BMON) or as a color rasterimage with a maximum of 256 colors (parameter type=BCOL).
The black and white raster images (BMON) can be printed usingthe following printer types:
PCL-5 printer
PostScript printer
Kyocera PRESCRIBE printer
Device type SAPWIN (with SAPlpd 32-bit as of Version 2.41 for WindowsNT or Windows 95)
The color raster images (BCOL) can be printed using thefollowing printer types:
PCL-5 printer with color capability (e.g. HP Color LaserJet). Colorgraphics are not printed properly on monochrome PCL-5 printers (e.g. HPLaserJet 5), because the printer cannot set the color palette asrequired and does not perform any gray-level conversion.
PostScript printer (color graphics are automatically converted to graylevels on black and white printers using PostScript) Device type SAPWIN(with SAPlpd 32-bit as of Version 2.41 for Windows NT or Windows 95)During TIFF graphic import, the basic set "Baseline TIFF 6.0 "of the TIFF specification 6.0 is supported.
To maintain compatibility with earlier versions of the report RSTXLDMC,it is also possible to convert the TIFF graphic directly into a blackand white raster image for a particular printer type when uploading.These are the three printer types PCL-5 (parameter type=PCL),PostScript (parameter type=POST) and Kyocera PRESCRIBE(parameter type=PRES). A raster image uploaded in this mannercan only be printed using the appropriate printer type.
Besides TIFF raster graphics, direct printer commands in the respectiveprinter language (PCL-5, PostScript or Prescribe) can also be containedin the file which is to be uploaded (printer macros). They are thentransferred to the standard text unmodified.
The graphics are output by inserting the standard text into thedocument which is to be printed, directly or using an INCLUDE command.The printer commands, which for example draw a company logo on thepage, are only output if the print request is processed by the printerdriver corresponding to the macro type, otherwise they are ignored.Example: A macro of type PCL is contained in a print request. If therequest is output to a printer with type HPLJIIID (to which the driverHPL2 is assigned), the macro data is sent to the printer. If therequest is printed on a printer of type POSTSCPT (to which the driverPOST is assigned), the output of the macro data is suppressed.
In the standard text, the printer commands are inserted between the HEX... ENDHEX command lines in hex notation. Various report parametersallow the graphic or printer macro to be placed on the page or at thecurrent text position. Note: When the /:HEX command linewhich precedes the macro appears in the text, a line break is generallymade before the graphic is output. The output of the macro thereforebegins in the next text line at the left window border of the currentpage window, as long as a shift to the right is not specified (seebelow).
If your own printer macros are uploaded and not TIFF files, you mustensure yourself that the normal (text) output of the driver is notimpaired when the printer commands are inserted in the output from theuploaded file. The printer drivers pass the data contained in the fileto the printer unmodified, therefore without control over theindividual actions this triggers on the printer. For example, syntaxerrors should not be generated by the PostScript commands (type POST),or form feeds should not be contained in the file (unless this wasintended) for PCL-5 (type PCL).

In general, the output of graphics generated via RSTXLDMC from R/3 isnot suitable for mass printing (that is, unless you are usingthe "Graphic resident on printer" feature): the R/3 spooler has to holdsignificantly more data in its output files. If the graphics occurseveral times in a spool request, the data also reoccurs. Apart fromthis, the network is more heavily loaded in sending the increasedvolume of data to the printer and the printer output is slowedsignificantly (varies according to printer model) if raster graphicsare output as well as the text.
If your graphics reside on your printer during a printing job, thedegree of 'correctness' with which they are printed depends on theamount of memory available in your printer. R/3 print drivers areunable to determine whether the amount of memory available is enough!If one of the graphics that you have marked as resident is notdisplayed, try reloading the graphic and switching off the parameter"Graphic resident on printer".
When printing black and white graphics on PCL-5 printers, image data iscompressed in order to greatly reduce the file size.
The output of graphics and macros on PCL-5 printers, PostScriptprinters and device type SAPWIN (type BMON, BCOL, PCL, POST) is adaptedto the page orientation used, that is if landscape is used instead ofportrait, the graphic is also turned when output. This is notthe case for the PRESCRIBE printers (type BMON, PRES)! With theseprinters, the graphic is not automatically turned when landscape isused, but appears on the page in the identical position as forportrait. You are therefore recommended not to output raster imageswhen printing in landscape on PRESCRIBE printers.
PRESCRIBE printers do not support the resolutions 200 and 600 dots perinch when printing raster images.
Not all PCL-5 compatible printers support the resolutions 200 and 600dots per inch when printing raster images.
TIFF graphics with compression type 2 ("CCITT Group 3 1-DimensionalModified Huffman run length encoding") can currently not be importedalthough this is a component of the Baseline TIFF 6.0 specification formonochrome images.
Color TIFF graphics with full color representation (ie. a lot more than256 colors) are automatically converted into 256 gray levels whenuploading with type BCOL.
When TIFF graphics are converted to black and white raster images (typeBMON, PCL, POST, PRES) there is no default simulation of graylevels or colors of the original image on the printer (for example, byusing different tones of gray). Each pixel of the original image isconverted to a white or black pixel on the printer according to itsintensity value.
The parameter "Number of TIFF gray levels" does, however, allow asimulation of gray/colour tones of the original image through levels ofgray on the printer, when using type PCL, POST or PRES. This parameteris ignored for type BMON.
The conversion of TIFF graphics can be so time-consuming that it isrecommendable to execute the report RSTXLDMC in batch processing. Note:in batch, the file is always read from the file system of theapplication server (ie. not from the file system of the GUI).
The length of an individual text in the text file is limited. Whenimporting TIFF graphics with very large dimensions, especially if morethan 2 gray levels are used, a termination can therefore occur whensaving the standard text ("EXPORT_TOO_MUCH_DATA"). This restriction canonly be avoided by reducing the TIFF graphics. Note: The displayof a raster image in Postscript or PRESCRIBE format needs from two tothree times as much space as displaying in PCL-5.
When processing very large TIFF images on PostScript printers, a printtermination can occur with PS error message "limitcheck". In this casethe internal memory of the printer is insufficient to scale therequired raster image. This implementation limit cannot be influencedby changing the report parameters when importing.

The file which is to be uploaded can contain the following formats/commands:
Baseline TIFF 6.0 raster image files. The image information of the TIFFfile is converted into black and white/color raster images whenuploading. Note: As the TIFF format allows a variety ofvariants, only a basic set of TIFF 6.0 formats is supported heredescribed in the TIFF 6.0 specification as Baseline TIFF 6.0.
PCL : PCL-5, Hewlett Packard Printer Control Language 5 for HPLaserJet 3, 4, 5 series and compatible printers. The data is output bythe printer driver HPL2 only.
PRES: Kyocera PRESCRIBE for Kyocera laser printers. The data isoutput by the printer driver PRES only.
POST: Adobe PostScript or EPS format (encapsulatedPostScript) for PostScript printers. The data is output by theprinter driver POST only. In the upload, one of the end-of-file markers(CTRL-D, hex $04) which may be contained in the PostScript file is nottransferred.
For PostScript files which contain a bounding box entry (for example,all EPS files) the macro/graphic can be scaled to a size specified bythe user. In this case, a small lead text and trailer are generated bythe report for the macro data and inserted in the standard text.

Parameters of RSTXLDMC

File name
Path and file name of the file to be uploaded in the file system of theR/3 frontend (dialog processing) or in the file system of theapplication server (batch processing)

Way which the data contained in the file is to be converted. Possiblevalues are BMON, BCOL, PCL, POST and PRES. With parameter valuesBMON and BCOL, a TIFF 6.0 file is expected. This isconverted into either a black and white raster image (BMON) or a colorraster image (BCOL). These raster images are printer-independent andcan be printed using various printer types (see above).
With parameter values PCL, POST and PRES, either aTIFF 6.0 file or a file with printer commands in the appropriateprinter langauge is expected. If the file is a TIFF file, it isconverted into a black and white raster image for the printer typespecified in the parameter. The presence of a TIFF file is recognizedautomatically. If the file is not a TIFF file, the file contents areregarded as the printer macro of the respective type. Data loaded withtype PCL, POST or PRES can only be printed on the respective printertype.

Resolution for TIFF raster images
Resolution which should be used when importing a TIFF raster image, indots per inch (dpi). If an allowed value is entered here, thisoverrides the resolution information in the TIFF file. The allowedvalues are:
,,75 dpi
,,100 dpi
,,150 dpi
,,200 dpi (not for type PRES, for PCL only HP LaserJet 4,5 series)
,,300 dpi
,,600 dpi (not for type PRES, for PCL only HP LaserJet 4,5 series)
Changing the resolution affects the size of the graphic on the printer.If a resolution of 300 dpi is stated in the TIFF file and thisparameter is set to 75 dpi, the graphic is four times as big whenprinted as at the outset.
Note: Kyocera PRESCRIBE printers do not support 200 and 600 dpiresolutions.
Note: Not all PCL-5 printers support resolutions 200 and 600dpi, for example HP LaserJet 3 series does not, but LaserJet 4 and 5series do.

Graphic Resident on Printer
Normally, graphics that occur more than once in a printing job (acompany logo that appears on each page, for example) are sent to theprinter repeatedly each time they are needed. In order to avoid thiskind of redundancy, you can select this checkbox on the selectionscreen. The R/3 print driver then stores the graphic in the printer'smemory and the printer retrieves the 'resident' graphic memory everytime that re-occurs in your job.
Caution: Whether or not the printer correctly reproduces thegraphic depends on the amount of memory available in the printer duringthe printing job! You should avoid using this feature with colorgraphics since they take up a lot more memory than monochrome graphics.
This parameter can only be used with types "BMON" and "BCOL".

Absolute positioning
Determines whether the macro/graphic is positioned absolutely or is tobe output at the current text position. If this checkbox is selected,the graphic is positioned absolutely (parameters "X-position" and"Y-position" are used), if this checkbox is not selected, the graphicis positioned at the current text position (parameters "Reservedheight" and "Shift to right" are used)

Absolute X-position
Horizontal position (space from left border) of the macro/graphic, ifabsolute positioning is required. This is the parameter XPOS of the HEXcommand.

Absolute Y-position
Vertical position (space from upper border) of the macro/graphic, ifabsolute positioning is required. This is the parameter YPOS of the HEXcommand.

Reserve height automatically
If this checkbox is selected, the system automatically inserts theactual height of the graphic during printing into the subsequent"Reserved height" parameter.

Reserved height
If positioned at the current text position, this parameter specifiesthe horizontal spacing to be reserved for the macro/graphic, which mustnot be printed with text from the paragraph. This is the parameterHEIGHT of the HEX command.

Shift to right
If positioned at the current text position, this parameter specifiesthe space between the left border of the macro/graphic and the leftborder of the page window. If this value is increased, themacro/graphic is shifted to the right. This is the parameter LEFT ofthe HEX command.

Unit of measurement for positioning
The unit of measurement in which the position values (X,Y, height,shift) are specified. Possible values are CM (centimeters), MM(millimeters), IN (inches), PT (typographic point = 1/72 inch), TW(1/20 point = 1/1440 inch)

Text title
Comment used for the attribute "Title" of the standard text generatedas well as as a comment line in the text itself

Line width
Number of columns to be used in the standard text when generating theHEX...ENDHEX command lines. The default value is 132

Text name
Name of the standard text to be generated. If an * character occurs inthe name, it is replaced by the value of the parameter "Printer type".For example, if the entry is ZHEX-IMAGE1-* and the printer type= PCL, the text name ZHEX-IMAGE1-PCL is generated. The defaultvalue for the name is ZHEX-MACRO-, but the standard textcan be named as required (take into account customer reserve). Standardtexts are client-dependent!
Note: The name of a standard text can be up to 32 characterslong !

Text ID
ID of the standard text to be generated. The default value is ST(general standard texts)

Text language
Language key of the standard text to be generated. The default value isthe logon language

PostScript scaling
Flag which determines how the macros/graphics of type POST are handled.If set to 'X', the report expects a PostScript comment line in the file
%%BoundingBox llx lly urx ury (e.g. %%BoundingBox -1.5 0 21.414.1)
as present, for example, in all EPS files, in which the dimensions andthe position of the macro/graphic are specified (if a bounding boxcomment is not included, 0 0 1 1 is assumed as the default value). Thisinformation is then used by the report to insert PostScript commandswhich scale the macro/graphic to the size specified in the parameters"Width" and "Height" (listed below).
If the flag is set to ' ' (blank), the PostScript file is transferredto the standard text without any additions (any transformations to thecoordinate system used by the printer driver must already be containedin the file).
The flag must be set to 'X' for the import of TIFF files for type POST.

Width according to PS scaling
Required width of the macro/graphic if the flag PostScript scaling isset. Can remain at zero for the import of TIFF files, the size is thendetermined by the resolution of the graphic.

Height according to PS scaling
Required height of the macro/graphic if the flag PostScript scaling isset. Can remain at zero for the import of TIFF files, the size is thendetermined by the resolution of the graphic.
If you want to scale the PostScript graphic with these parameters, oneof the two values, width or height, can be specified with zero. Thegraphic is then scaled so that the width-to-height ratio remainsunchanged and the original graphic is not distorted.

Unit of measurement for PS scaling
Unit of measurement in which the parameters "Width" and "Height" arespecified. Possible values are CM (centimeters), MM (millimeters), IN(inches), PT (typographic point = 1/72 inch), TW (1/20 point = 1/1440inch)

Number of TIFF gray levels
Number of gray tones which are to be used on the printer for displayingthe original image. Note: This parameter is only evaluated whenusing types PCL, POST or PRES!
Possible values are 2,4,9. With the default value 2, each pixel of theoriginal image is converted either to a white or a black pixel on theprinter. With the value 4, each pixel of the original image isconverted on the printer with 4 pixels, which simulate 4 different graylevels. With the value 9, each pixel of the original image is convertedon the printer with 9 pixels which simulate 9 different gray levels.
Note: With values 4 or 9 the resolution of the image is doubledor tripled. The restrictions on the possible resolutions (see previousparameter) then apply for the resulting resolution.

Individual steps of the upload procedure are logged in the report listgenerated and, if necessary, errors reported. The uploading of TIFFgraphics, in particular, is cancelled if there is a variant which isnot supported. A message to this effect is then issued. If execution issuccessful, the report generates a standard text with the key specifiedin the parameters. If the standard text already exists, a windowappears with a warning before the text is overwritten.


Example 1:
The PCL-5 file A:\IMAGE.PCL is to be uploaded to the standard textZHEX-IMAGE-PCL, ID ST, language D. The macro is to be output at thecurrent text position, a left margin of 4 CM from the layout set windowmaintained, and the text continued 5 CM below the current textposition. The parameters should then contain values as follows (thedefault values should be left in the parameters not listed below):
File name: A:\IMAGE.PCL
Type: PCL
Absolute positioning: ' ' (blank)
Reserved height: 5
Shift to right: 4
Unit of measurement for positioning: CM
Text name: ZHEX-IMAGE-*
Text ID: ST
Text language: D
PostScript scaling: ' ' (blank)

Example 2:
The PostScript EPS file A:\LOGO.EPS is to be uploaded to the standardtext ZHEX-LOGO-POST, ID ST, language D. The macro is to be output atthe X/Y-position 1 inch/1 inch. The EPS file is to be scaled to thesize 3 x 3 inches. The parameters should then contain values as follows(the default values should be left in the parameters not listed below):
File name: A:\LOGO.EPS
Type: POST
Absolute X-position: 1
Absolute Y-position: 1
Absolute positioning: X
Unit of measurement for positioning: IN
Text name: ZHEX-LOGO-*
Text ID: ST
Text language: D
PostScript scaling: X
Width according to PS scaling: 3
Height according to PS scaling: 3
Unit of measurement for PS scaling: IN

Example 3:
An example of a TIFF import with type BMON is shown below. Theparameters were assigned values as follows (the default values shouldbe left in the parameters not listed below):
File name: /tmp/gorilla.tif
Type: BMON
Resolution for TIFF file: 150
Text title: TIFF 150 dpi gorilla
Text name: ZHEX-MACRO-*
Text ID: ST
Text language: D
PostScript scaling: X

1135107Printer Vendor Wizard Note: Printronix
1393255Company Certificate - Layout Corrections
610942SAPscript: SAPGUI crashes with print preview
410727Printing color bitmaps on black and white printers
39031Print/fax bitmap graphics from SAPscript
152442SAPscript: Collective note
205837RSTXLDMC/SE78: Fullcolor TIFF or BMP graphics
134573TIFF graphic is not printed
87391Upload and print EPS files using RSTXLDMC