Description The report fills the language-dependent table TRDIRT of the programtitle (objects of the ABAP editor). You can restart and repeat the report as often as you wish. The report does not have parameters and is suited to backgroundprocessing. Procedure Entries for table TRDIRT are read from program TEXTPOOLs using READTEXTPOOL ... with the key 'K'. TRDIRT entries are structured in accordance with the following criteriaand entered in TRDIRT:
- only entries in the original language of the program, in English or
German, other installed languages, or target languages for translation(from table LANG_MANDT) The system attempts to determine the original language from theTRDIR-RLOAD and TADIR-MASTERLANG values. If both values are empty, thesystem assumes 'D'.
- no entries for generated local object
Entries are not made for programs with TRDIR-OCCURS='X' (generationflagin TRDIR) or with TADIR-GENFLAG<>SPACE (generation flag in TADIR)and and TADIR-DEVCLASS='$TMP'.
- no empty entries
If the TEXTPOOL does not have an entry for key 'K' or if the text ofthis entry is empty, no entry is made in TRDIRT.
- No entries for function modules
- Texts for U includes are stored in table TFTIT
The report RSTRDIRT depends on the system it is running in:
- SAP system
READ TEXTPOOL is executed in certain namespaces and development classeswithout restrictions.
- Customer sytem
READ TEXTPOOL is only executed for objects in customer namespaces andfor temporary objects (development class $TMP). Texts referring toprogram objects in SAP or partner namespaces are handled as objectsthat already exist in the TRDIRT table.Run-times In a system with approximately 100,000 entries and with table TRDIRThaving initial status, run-time is approximately ten minutes. In a similar system, it takes approximately three minutes to find therestart position. It also takes approximately three minutes todetermine whether the table TRDIRT is complete. The same times apply tocustomer systems that do not have custom program objects (in thecustomer namespace). Precondition The report can only run in R/3 Systems 4.0 and higher. The table TRDIRT must be actively available in the Dictionary, and canbe either empty or partly complete. Output Sections for the table TRDIRT each comprising 200 entries are writtentothe database until the TEXTPOOL has filled in the entire table. Eachsection ends with a COMMIT. A short log describes how many entries have been made in the tableTRDIRT. The short log ends with the message that the report has been executedsuccessfully.