SAP Program RSTLAN_IMPORT_CLIENTS - Import Customizing Language Data into Any Client

Import Customizing Data from Language Transport Requests into AnyClients

You can use this program to perform client maintenance.
Also read SAP Note 43853, which explains the client maintenancefunctions.
When you import a language, Customizing data is only imported intoclient 000, to prevent customer Customizing settings from beingoverwritten. However, sometimes you might need to import this languagedata into other clients.
This program enables you to import Customizing language data into anyclient.
Note: Client maintenance functions are also integrated into the menu barof transaction SMLT, however, they use a different procedure. Clientmaintenance in transaction SMLT uses the language supplementationprogram to copy Customizing texts from client 000 to the target client.This program imports Customizing texts from the language files into thetarget client.
We generally recommend that you use the client maintenance functionsintegrated in transaction SMLT. Only use this program in exceptionalcases.

This program is an additional tool to the language transport functions.

You must have the transport files of the language package available. Youmust also have already imported the language package into the system.



  • Clients - Specify the clients that you want to supply with the
  • language data. You can specify a list of clients, a client range (suchas 300 to 400), or all clients ('*').
    Client 000 and any clients protected against changes to client-specificCustomizing (transaction SCC4) are excluded.
    • Imported language package - Use the F4 help to select a language
    • package. The content of this language package (client-specificCustomizing only) is imported into the specified clients. The languagepackage must have been imported completely and the data files of thecorresponding transport requests must still exist.
      • Insert mode - Select this mode if you want only to insert the
      • data into the specified clients. No existing client entries areoverwritten in this mode.
        • Update mode - Select this mode if you want to make a complete
        • import of the SAP language data into the specified clients. Rememberthat you might overwrite the existing Customizing entries with thecontents of the language CD.
          • With table class G - Select this option if you also want to
          • supply the specified clients with contents of class G tables. Like thereport RSREFILL, this report only operates on tables of class C bydefault (Customizing only). For more information on handling tableclasses in the SAP system, see SAP Note 2857.
            • Display table list - The set of tables is determined from the
            • specified language package. If you select this option, the list appearson the screen. If you do not select this option, you only see the numberof tables selected.

              Process Flow
              Either start the report online (remembering the time limit) or in thebackground. The report executes the necessary steps and then displays alist of all actions and analyses on the screen, or sends them to thespool list (if executed in the background).
              If you select insert mode, a backup export is created and exported fromthe language CD before the data is imported. This backup export isimported into the relevant clients after the import of the language CD.
              Monitor the exports and make sure that the data files of the exportedtransports are available until the action has been completed. If thefiles are lost, you can no longer access the data in the backup export,and therefore the original client table contents.
              You can execute the program as often as you want. However, the backupexports are only created and exported once, when the program is executedfor the first time in insert mode. When you execute the program againfor the same client, it accesses the backup exports that have alreadybeen created.
              The backup exports are entered in the list of transport requests for thelanguage package, so that you can view the logs using the SMLT logdisplay function.
              The client appears in the name of the transport request and in thetransport logs.