Purpose Features Generating Complaints due to Customer Change Generating Complaints due to Change in Unit of Measure Generating Complaints due to Price Change Generating Complaints to Create Returns Orders Selection Program Flow
There are already complaints for one or more of the documents (or items)found. There are no complaints for one or more of the documents (or items)found. The internal table that results from the selection is displayed in anoutput list. You can use the BAdI BAdI_CMP_ADD_FIELDS to extend the field catalog ofthe output list by your own fields. After the selection, there are two options for further processing thedata: The billing documents selected using the selection criteria are readfrom table VBRK and displayed in the list. Billing documents are only permitted for mass processing if thefollowing criteria are met: The posting document is created (RFBSK is The billing document is not cancelled (FKSTO is The sales document type is not an invoice cancellation (VBTYP is >) The billing documents selected using the selection criteria are readfrom table VBRK. If billing documents have been found, the item data with the materialnumber from the selection is read from table VBRP. If you have specified a condition type, the program reads the relevantconditions from table KONV. Before the data is transferred line by line to the output list, theprogram checks if there is already a complaint regarding this item. Ifthere is, the system creates a warning message with the status YELLOW. Standard_variants Function modules CMP_MASS and CMP_MASS_CREATE process the data. Thecorresponding messages are displayed in the list after processing, andwritten to table CMP_VBFS_EXT by function module CMP_MASS. If you set the indicator for background processing, function moduleCMP_MASS is called with the instruction 'CALL FUNCTION CMP_MASS inbackground task'. The data is processed and CMP_MASS_CREATE is called inexactly the same way as in 'Execute processing in the foreground'. The created messages are stored in CMP_VBFS_EXT and can be displayedusing transaction WCMP_RESULT. |