SAP Program RSTCX_COPY_TCVARIANT - Copy user variants for table controls

Copying Table Control Variants

The program allows you to copy display variants by using an existingvaraint as a template for other users.

On the selection screen, enter:

  • Porgram name

  • Name of table control

  • Name of user whose variant is to be used as a template

  • Name of display variant

  • The first two pieces of information can be found under settings of therelevant table control using the 'Administrator' function. Thisdisplays the program name and the name of the table control.Alternativley:
    From the table control, select -> 'Techn. Info' ->. This displays theprogram name. Then select the screen number to access the ScreenPainter . The table control is executed in the element list (Type'TABLE').
    You can use input help for the corresponding input fields on theselection screen.
    The users, for whom you want to create a variant, must be entered underUSERS/Users (using the multiple selection key you can select multiplesingle values or any RANGES tables). ausgewählt werden). In the usermaster record (table USR01) all users for whom you wish to create avariant are selected.

    You can also copy between different clients. If you do not select thecheckbox, the cleint is irrelevant. Copies are only carried out in thecurrent client.
    You can also replace a display variant specified in the top section ofthe selection screen for all users. This allows you to make changes toexisting display variants. This is only possible in the current client,otherwise you must select exactly one "master variant". The system willthen find all users in the clinet who use a variant with the same key(variant name, name fo table control, program name). These entries arethen replaced with the new data, the master variant.
    By selecting the third checkbox, you can delete variants generically.No warning message appears. The deleted variants are displayed in thelog. For a more convenient delete function consult the general tablemaintenance transaction (SM30).
    Generally only one of the three possible options can be selected foreach program run.

    Copy procedure

    • If a variant already exists for the identical key (program name,
    • control , user, variant), this is overwritten.
      • If the table control already has a standard variant for the user, and
      • if the newly created variant is a standard variant, the new variantwill become the standard variant. The old variant is maintained.
        • If multiple variants of a user are copied (not all fields of the first
        • block are filled on the selection screen), an existing standard variantis converted, if a standard variant exists with the variant that is tobe copied.
          • If you want to transfer all variants of a user to another user you must
          • leave the corresponding fields 'PROGRAM', 'CONTROL', or 'VARIANT' emptyon the selection screen.


            • The report creates a log for the executed actions.

            • Take care when copying between clients and when creating variants for
            • all users of a client.
              • The report can generate multiple tables entries in the table TCVIEW, in
              • particular when you create variants for all users.
                • You can usually maintain table TCVIEW directly using the extended table
                • maintenance transaction (SM30) or the Data Browser (SE16).
                  • The program does not execute authorization checks.

140111Table Control: Copying user settings
452173FS-CS, table control:copy table settings