SAP Program RSSPDASS - Support Package Disassembler

This report disassembles Support Packages even if these packages do notmatch the release of the current system.
If you want to include patches in an upgrade to Release 4.6, you candisassemble them using this report for all permitted source releases.In this case, choose Disassemble in upgrade directory.
The option Disassemble in transport directory is useful if thetransport request is required directly for a Support Package.
Only Support Packages that are known to the system are disassembled,for example, packages that were downloaded using Transaction SPAM.Since this is not always the case, when you call the report, a dialogbox appears asking if it should search for new patches in the EPSdirectory. This is very useful if you downloaded patches from SAPNet.In this case, you only have to place the EPS parcels in the relevantEPS/in-directory. These parcels are then made known to the systemautomatically and can be disassembled indivdually.

The report creates the R3trans file and if necessary, the ADO file andthe cofile for the relevant Support Package. The patch description isstored in table PAT03 if the patche release matches that of the system.Otherwise, the description is written to table PAT03_SDA.

409687Additions to upgrade to CIN 40A for 4.6C SR2
83458@19@OCS Info: Patch download from SAP Service Marketplace
207404CSC-ABPL: Asian Best Practice Library 5.0.0