SAP Program RSSPAM08 - SPAM: Displaying errors during test import

Before you apply a patch with the SAP Patch Manager (SPAM), you wouldlike to know whether there is any overlap between the objects you havemodified and the objects in the patch.
If there is an overlap, you must inform the developers responsible forthe respective objects so that they can decide whether it is necessaryto adjust your modifications to the respective objects in the patch.
To do this, SAP provides the ABAP/4 program RSSPAM08. The two modes inwhich the program can be executed and the functions it supports aredescribed below.
User mode
After you have entered the patch, selected the option "user mode", andexecuted RSSPAM08, a list is displayed with all your modificationswhich conflict with the patch. The familiar screen from transactionSPAU is displayed, which you execute during the post-processing of anSAP R/3 upgrade.
Please note that if there are no conflicts or if RSSPAM08 did not runin "administrator mode" first (see point 2), the system will inform youthat no modifications need to be adjusted.
Administrator mode
For technical reasons, you should only execute this mode in client 000.After you have entered the patch, selected the "administrator mode",and executed RSSPAM08, RSSPAM08 checks the conditions for applying thepatch, and calculates and displays the possible overlap.
To be able to execute this mode, your user master record must containthe authorization profile S_TRANSPORT. Remember that you can onlyexecute RSSPAM08 in this mode if the patch involved has not yet beenapplied (status 'N'). This helps avoid side-effects that might occur ifthe patch is applied at the same time using transaction SPAM (status'?').
Below is a list of steps which RSSPAM08 executes with a description.Like SPAM, RSSPAM08 also checks whether the patch can be applied bychecking for example:
Patch attributes (for example, maintenance level compatibility)
Sequence (if the patch is a Hot Package)
Presence of unconfirmed patches


  • The patch is read from the file system and the cofile and data filesare extracted and stored in the transport directory.
    • Step: TEST_IMPORT

    • RSSPAM08 checks whether there are open repairs to objects in yoursystem which are also applied by the patch. If there are any, you areasked to release them before you continue. To access these objects, goto the test import log using the pushbutton 'Log'.

      • The patch is placed in your transport buffer.
        • Step: IMPORT_OBJECT_LIST

        • The list of objects contained in the patch is imported into yoursystem.
          • Step: OBJECTS_LOCKED_?

          • RSSPAM08 checks whether there are any objects in your system which arelocked in change requests and which are also applied with the patch. Ifthere are any, you are asked to release them before you continueapplying the patch.
            • Step: INDUSTRY_SOLUTIONS_?

            • RSSPAM08 checks whether the patch conflicts with installed add-ons. Insuch a case, you are given advice on how to resolve the conflict.
              • Step: SPDD_SPAU_CHECK

              • RSSPAM08 checks whether there are repaired objects in your system whichare also applied with the patch. It calculates the overlap and saves itin the database.
                • Step: RUN_SPAU_?

                • If there is an overlap, the objects which need to be adjusted areshown. Since the overlap has now been determined, it can be displayedby all users with RSSPAM08 in "user mode".
                  In various steps where you are required to intervene interactively, youcan also cancel the step. In contrast to transaction SPAM however, arestart is not possible. Instead, all steps are executed again.
                  Other functions
                  There are two functions you can use with RSSPAM08: 'Logs' and 'SPAM'.The former displays the log files for a given patch while the lattertakes you to the main menu of the SAP Patch Manager (SPAM).