SAP Program RSSOSXGEN03 - SAPoffice: Third test generator for sending using SAPconnect

Third test report for sending via SAPconnect.
Emphasis: Mass test and performance test
Contents: New documents are sent by any senders. This report works inthe same way as report RSSOSXGEN02, with two notable differences:
When SO_OBJECT_SEND is called, the document does not exist. Therefore,the ID of the copied document is not defined by OBJCONT and OBJHEAD,but instead the contents and the attributes. SO_OBJECT_SEND thencreates the document in the specified folder. The sender does not haveto be the same as the caller (SY-UNAME). This is done in the form of adistribution list, from which the entries are taken (in order) assenders. If no distribution list is specified or the list is empty, theSY-UNAME value is used as the sender.

SAPconnect must be configured for the transmission methods to be tested(ideally: Internet mail, FAX and RML).

Output is presented in a LOG table. The data can be evaluated usingreport RSSOSXANA01.