SAP Program RSSOSOSTSTAT - Administration of External Send Processes

Overview of Send Requests

Display and administration of all messages sent using SAPconnect

The program displays send requests that are being sent, or have alreadybeen sent by using SAPconnect, according to the selection criteria. Inthis transaction, a send request always contains just one recipient(unlike the technical definition of a send request in the context ofBusiness Communication Services (BCS), where a send request combinessending a document with all recipients). This means that a document sentto multiple recipients at the same time appears multiple times in theSend Requests overview (one entry for each recipient). This enablesrecipient-specific administration of the send requests; for example,renewed sending of a message to a recipient if an error occurred duringthe first attempt.

The display and the selection criteria can be configured on auser-specific basis. By choosing Settings -> User Settings, youcan select which settings are held when the transaction is exited.
A list layout can also be saved (column selection, sort criteria, filtercriteria, and so on) by choosing Choose Layout.

Selection in the List
Most functions relate to the list entries selected. You can selectentries either by using the button on the left-hand side of the list orby using the mouse (by selecting several rows and columns).


Showing and Hiding Functions
By default, not all functions are offered in SOSB and SOSG. However, itis possible to show and hide functions. To do this, you can set theparameters SOS*_ALLOW_FCODES or SOS*_RESTRICT_FCODES in the tableSXPARAMS (or by choosing SOST -> Utilities -> GeneralSettings) accordingly. You replace the placeholder * with T, G, or B.Enter the appropriate function codes (separated by semicolons) asparameter values.
If, for example, you want to enable SOSB users to delete your sendrequests and display the trace, you must set the parameterSOSB_ALLOW_FCODES to KILL;TRAC. The function codes are explained below.
In transaction SOSB, only a few additional function codes are useful,since the extra functions can only appear in the application toolbar orthe context menu. An entry cannot appear in the main menu for technicalreasons. If you want to offer further functions, you can use transactionSOSG. You can use authorizations to define this transaction so thatusers can only view their own send requests.


Selection Screen
Choose the required time period (send date and send time) in which themessages were sent.
The selection can be restricted further by specifying the sender andsend method. In the Sender field, you can enter user names anduser groups. If a user group is entered, all users are selected thathave this group entered in their user master record (transaction SU01 ->User Group for Authorization Check), or that are assigned to thisgroup (transaction SU01 -> Groups).
If a user is only allowed to select send requests of particular users orgroups, he or she can use transaction SOSG to do so. This transactioncorresponds to transaction SOST but makes additional authorizationchecks. A user does not need the authorization ADMINISTRATOR in theauthorization object S_OC_ROLE to use this transaction. Theauthorization for selecting users or groups in transaction SOSG iscontrolled by the authorization object S_OC_SOSG. For more information,see the documentation about this authorization object. In transactionSOSG, if a user chooses the input help for the Sender field, onlythose users and groups are displayed for which the user has displayauthorization.
Also select the relevant send status for the send requests that you wantto display:

  • Waiting

  • The message was sent by the user and is in the queue. It will beprocessed with the next SAPconnect send process and sent to therecipients.
    • With Errors

    • The send request encountered an error.
      • Sent

      • The message has left the SAP system. So far, it is unknown whether therecipient received the message or not. This corresponds to the statusIn Transit in the SAPconnect administration.
        • Transmitted

        • The message reached the recipient, or there is no status expected forthe message. This corresponds to the status Completed in theSAPconnect administration. Transmitted can only be selected ifSent is also selected.
          • Other (STATSET)

          • You can choose 'Other...' to select other statuses. This pushbutton isonly active if 'Waiting' has been selected, since it is an interimstatus that is closely connected to the 'Waiting' status. The followingstatuses are available to you:
            No entry in the queue
            Send in the future
            Waiting for retry
            Here, the statuses 'Send in the future' and 'Waiting for retry' can onlybe selected as pairs. In transaction SOSB this button is not shown bydefault. In this case, all three statuses are selected and shown asregular waiting send requests. To display the status, click the statusicon.
            The selection criteria can be changed at any time. The list is updatedwhen you choose Execute (or Refresh).
            The Close pushbutton on the selection screen, or the pushbuttonHide Selection Screen on the application toolbar are used to hidethe selection screen. The pushbutton Show Selection Screendisplays the selection screen again. The setting is held after thetransaction is exited, depending on the user settings.

            Status String
            You can show or hide the status string by choosing Settings ->StatusString On/Off. The setting is held after the transaction is exited,depending on the user settings.
            If the relevant fields on the selection screen are filled, the followingvalues are displayed in the status string: Number of send requestsdisplayed, number waiting, number sent, number with errors, send method,sender. The number sent is the total of Sent and Transmitted

            List Fields

            • Status

            • Displays the send status. By clicking an icon you can display the statustext of each send request. You can branch to the send history and to thelong text of the status.
              • Send Method

              • Displays the send method (fax, Internet, and so on). Double-click todisplay details about a send request.
                • Document Title

                • IF &SYST-TCODE& NE 'SOSB'
                  Double-click to display details about the send request.
                  Double-click to display the document.
                  • Sender, Recipient

                  • Double-click to display details about the sender or recipient.
                    • Send Date, Send Time

                    • Date and time at which the user sent the message (double-click todisplay details about the send request)
                      IF &SYST-TCODE& NE 'SOSB'
                      • Msg (message number)

                      • The current status code of the send request. A dialog box with thestatus message is displayed when you click this field. You can branch tothe send history and to the long text for the status.
                        • Status Text (not displayed by default but can be shown or hidden by
                        • choosing Status Text).
                          Displays the short text for the send status. This is the same text thatis displayed in a dialog box when you click status icon (double-click todisplay the long text).
                          IF &SYST-TCODE& NE 'SOSB'
                          • Node (not displayed by default but can be added by choosing Choose
                          • Layout).
                            Displays the SAPconnect node that was used to send the message. If themessage has the status Waiting, this field is empty.
                            IF &SYST-TCODE& NE 'SOSG'
                            Double-click to branch to the maintenance dialog of the node.
                            • Size (not displayed by default but can be added by choosing Choose
                            • Layout).
                              Displays the total size of the document including attachments.


                              • Send Request

                              • Repeat Send (RESEND)
                                The selected send requests are sent again.
                                IF &SYST-TCODE& = 'SOSB'
                                If only one send request is selected, you can choose whether to send themessage to the same recipient again (if there were send errors, forexample), or to send it to a different recipient (if the fax number wasincorrect, for example).
                                If you selected your own user name in the selection criteria, and ifonly one send request was selected in the list, you can change therecipient before you send the message.
                                The restriction to your own user and the selection of a send request isnot valid if the parameter SOST_REC_CHANGE in SXPARAMS is set to X.
                                Start Send Process for Selection (SPSEL)
                                The SAPconnect send process is started for the send requests selected inthe list. Only these are sent.
                                Inform Sender (MAIL)
                                The senders of the selected send requests receive a generated mailindicating the status of the send requests.
                                Set Definitive Status (SETSTA)
                                Used to switch the status of send requests (for e-mails, in particular)from Sent (not Transmitted) to OK (Transmitted
                                ). They receive the same status as send requests for whichSAPconnect does not expect confirmation of receipt for Internet mail
                                is set in the SAPconnect administration (transaction SCOT). Thestatus of these send requests changes from In Transit toCompleted in the SAPconnect administration.
                                Display Document (SHOW)
                                The selected document is displayed.
                                Display Send History (HIST)
                                The send history for the send request is displayed. The current statusis selected.
                                IF &SYST-TCODE& NE 'SOSB'
                                Display Trace (TRAC)
                                You branch to the trace catalog, from which the trace entries for theselected send requests are displayed.
                                Delete (KILL)
                                The selected send requests are deleted. Note the following: If a sendrequest is still in the queue, first it is deleted from the queue. It isalso deleted from the list and is no longer displayed. By choosing
                                Goto -> Deleted Send Requests, you can put send requests back in thelist. Deleted send requests are no longer displayed in the statusdisplay of the SAPconnect administration. The send information for thesend request is not, however, deleted from the database. A sender canuse this data to follow the transmission of a document. This data ispart of the send request document for which references may still exist(for example, the document may exist in an SAPoffice folder, or it mayhave been linked to an application object by sending application). TheSAPoffice reorg data is not deleted until all references for a documenthave been deleted. Only then can the send requests no longer bedisplayed in the send requests overview, which means that the sendrequests also disappear from the list of deleted send requests.
                                • Edit

                                • Refresh
                                  The display is refreshed and the status of the send requests displayedis updated.
                                  IF &SYST-TCODE& NE 'SOSB'
                                  • Goto -> Deleted Send Requests

                                  • Deleted today (DELETED)
                                    The send requests deleted on the current date are displayed and can berestored.
                                    From Selection Screen (ALLDELETED)
                                    Select which deleted send requests you want to display.
                                    • Settings

                                    • Status String On/Off
                                      The status string is shown or hidden.
                                      User Settings
                                      Choose which settings or views are to be retained after the program isended. The system default is used for values that are not set (everysend status selected apart from Transmitted; selection screen andstatus string displayed).
                                      • Utilities

                                      • IF &SYST-TCODE& NE 'SOSB'
                                        By default, the following functions are available in transaction SOSTonly:
                                        Start Send Process (SNDP)
                                        The SAPconnect send process can be started manually (as in SAPconnectAdministration). By default, this function is available in transactionSOST only.
                                        Trace (TRACESET)
                                        Sets the SAPconnect trace and displays all existing traces (as in theSAPconnect administration)
                                        Send Jobs (JOBS)
                                        Overview and maintenance of jobs for the send process (RSCONN01)
                                        General Parameters (SXPARAMS)
                                        Maintenance of table SXPARAMS (general SAPconnect parameters)
                                        MIME Settings (SETMIME)
                                        Settings for saving MIME versions (report RSCONN06)
                                        Generally available:
                                        Displays this documentation
                                        The meaning of the status icons is explained.

                                        Application Toolbar

                                        • Hide Selection Screen/Show Selection Screen

                                        • Hides or displays the selection screen.
                                          • Refresh

                                          • Refreshes the display and updates the status of the displayed sendrequests.
                                            IF &SYST-TCODE& NE 'SOSB'
                                            • Choose Variant (VARI)

                                            • Displays a dialog box for selecting a variant for the selection screen.You can create variants in transaction SE38 with the reportRSSOSOSTSTAT. The overview of the send requests can be started directlyfrom this selection dialog with transaction SOSV.
                                              • Program Documentation

                                              • Displays this documentation

                                                Pushbuttons in the list

                                                • Display Document

                                                • Display Send History

                                                • IF &SYST-TCODE& NE 'SOSB'

                                                  • Display Trace

                                                  • ENDIF
                                                    Repeat Send

                                                    IF &SYST-TCODE& NE 'SOSB'

                                                    • Delete Send Request

                                                    • Set Wait Time (also not active in SOST by default; function code
                                                    • SETWAIT)
                                                      You can set the time from which the send process creates a waitingmessage.
                                                      • Start Send Process for Selection

                                                      • Here you can both start the send process for the selected send requests(a dialog box appears first), and also use the selection dialog box tostart the send process.


                                                        Context menu
                                                        Depending on the column position, the following functions are offered inthe context menu (secondary mouse button), in addition to the ALV (ABAPList Viewer) standard:
                                                        IF &SYST-TCODE& = 'SOSB'

                                                        • Columns Status and Status Text

                                                        • ELSE
                                                          • Columns Status, Msg and Status Text

                                                          • ENDIF
                                                            Long Text of Send Status
                                                            • Other columns

                                                            • Display Send History
                                                              IF &SYST-TCODE& NE 'SOSB'
                                                              Display Trace
                                                              Display MIME Representation (MIME)
                                                              Display the MIME version of the document (if available)
                                                              Repeat Send
                                                              IF &SYST-TCODE& NE 'SOSB'
                                                              Delete Send Request