SAP Program RSSOFAX1 - Create a Fax Document in Inbox

Sending a fax document from the shared folders to the inbox. Thedocument is then also loaded:

  • on the local frontend on which the fax can be displayed

  • on a server from where the document can be archived
  • Precondition
    A document of type BIN which contains the fax text (TIFF format) isrequired in the shared folders. The ID of the document (object ID andfolder ID) must be specified in the SET/GET parameters SO3 and SO6.
    The report RSSOFAX0 can be used to upload a fax document which containsthe attribute "To be processed" to the shared folders. The reportRSSOFAX1 is started to process the document.
    The report can only process single-sided faxes.