SAP Program RSSOEXTCOM - SAPoffice: Check External Communication Addresses

Overview: External Communication Settings

Displaying external communication (mail system group or automaticforwarding) or SAPoffice substitutes.

Tab page Mail System Group
Status of the mail system group (inactive/active to another SAP system,active to a home address)
Displaying mail system group addresses, inconsistencies in addressmaintenance
The mail system group is activated centrally in transaction SO16 for allusers. Messages can be forwarded to another SAP system or to users' homeaddresses. The setting Send to Users' Home Address can be used tomake an individual setting for each user. In user management(transaction SU01), you can define a communication type for a user. Forthis communication type there may be more than one address, one of whichis flagged as a home address. If a mail system group is activated,messages are forwarded to the home address of this communication type.One user can forward his or her messages to an Internet address, forexample (communication type INT), and read them in an external mailsystem, a second user can send his or her messages to a fax server(communication type FAX), while a third user can leave his or hermessages in an SAP system (communication type LET or SPACE).
If a selected user does not appear in the list, no communication typehas been maintained in the user data (transaction SU01), which meansthat messages cannot be forwarded to another address either.
If a mail system group is activated, no copies of the messagesare kept in the user's inbox.
Choosing 'Maintain Address' from the toolbar takes you to AddressManagement. Here you can change the communication type of a user, todefine whether this user is part of the mail system group. Maintainingthe actual e-mail addresses is done using transaction SU01.
If you have selected multiple users at the same time, the data selectionprocess can take a very long time. For this reason, the display is notrefreshed automatically. After making changes, you have to refresh thedisplay manually to view the changed data.

The mail system group does not allow complex rerouting. Inbound messagesare not always forwarded if the communication type changes (forwardinbound faxes to Internet addresses, for example), or if the messagetype changes (change status return to an e-mail). See also SAP Note403128.

Tab page Automatic Forwarding
Display automatic forwarding, status of forwarding (active/inactive),keep copy of message in inbox.
Users set up automatic forwarding in transaction SO12 (tab pageAutomatic Forwarding). Inbound messages from the SAP system canbe forwarded to another SAPoffice user, another SAP system (RMLaddress), or to an external address. Currently, only one forwarding isallowed, which means that you cannot forward messages to a distributionlist.
The option Keep Copy of Message in Inbox determines whether anadditional copy is saved. If automatic forwarding is used for readingthe messages in an external mail system, the user must deactivate thisoption.
Choosing 'Create Entry' from the toolbar allows you to generate a newforwarding process.
Choosing 'Delete Entry' allows you to delete an existing forwardingprocess.
If you have selected multiple users at the same time, the data selectionprocess can take a very long time. For this reason, the display is notrefreshed automatically. After making changes, you have to refresh thedisplay manually to view the changed data.

Automatic forwarding does not allow complex rerouting. Inbound messagesmay not be forwarded if the the communication type changes (forwardinbound faxes to Internet addresses, for example), or if the messagetype changes (change status return to an e-mail). See also SAP Note403128.

Tab page Substitute
Displays the SAPoffice substitutes and status of the substitute(active/inactive).
Substitutes can be set up in transaction SO12 (tabe page Substitute
). The substitute then has access to the user's personal folders, andcan view and edit the data that they contain.