SAP Program RSSOBCI03 - SAPoffice: Third test generator for sending using SAPconnect

Test report for sending via the communications interface/SAPconnect.Emphasis: Mass test and performance test
Contents: existing documents are sent. For this purpose, the name of areference folder is entered. All documents in this folder are copied tothe specified target folder.
The documents from this folder are sent in "blocks" (e.g. 1000documents every 5 minutes). The total number of documents to be sent isspecified in the report. This means the existing documents may have tobe copied several times.
The recipients are determined from the specified distribution list.This list is expanded to the first level. This means that if the listcontains another distribution list, the recipients in the second listare not included. If the number of recipients is not sufficient, thewhole process starts again.

SAPconnect must be configured for the transmission methods to be tested(ideally: Internet mail, FAX and RML).

Output is presented in a LOG table. The data can be evaluated usingreport RSSOSXANA01.