SAP Program RSSO0028 - SAPoffice: SOGR Maintenance

Inbound Distribution

You can use inbound distribution to assigne inbound documents to otheror additional users. The selection of the documents for which inbounddistribution is performed is based on the recipient address and therecipient type. You can enter a generic specification.
You can specify a user name, a distribution list, or a business object(BOR) as a new recipient. If you specify business objects, they mustimplement the interface method IFRECEIVE.

For an explanation of the individual columns in the maintenance table,refer to the F1 help.


Mailbox for undeliverable documents (Postmaster)
You can use an internal user to act as a mailbox for all documents thatcannot be delivered. To do this, set the 'Alternative entry' indicator,specify the address type (such as Internet), and enter the new recipientname. This user then receives all inbound e-mails that cannot beassigned to any other recipient.

Automatic Processing of Requests for Service Addresses
All requests for a particular service address, such are to be processed by a business object. To dothis, specify the recipient addresss and the address type, and use theF4 help to select the business object as a new recipient.