SAP Program RSSERP85 - Migration of old report trees

SSERP85 - Report Tree Migration

This report transforms report trees that were created using the oldversion of transaction SERP (Release 4.5 and older) to the area menustructures used in Release 4.6. It should be executed in the clientthat contains the productive versions of your report trees.
The original report trees are not deleted and can still be displayedusing transaction SARP. In order to avoid naming conflicts orredundancy, you must, however, delete the tree created in the targetstructure (using transaction SE43, area menu maintenance) beforemigrating the tree again within the same client.

Description of Select-Options and Parameters:
- Report Trees:
Selection according to the old technical names of report trees. Thisentry is merely a preliminary selection. You can restrict yourselection values further on the subsequent list screen.
- Languages:
Enter those languages in which language-dependent text entries fromyour tree should be migrated to the new structure.
- Master language:
Language to be used as the tree's master language in futuretranslations. Must already be contained in the list of possibleentries.
- Package:
Enter the package that you want all trees to be migrated to.
Since the private nodes concept no longer exists in new trees, theircontents are not migrated. Lists stored in your tree are not migratedeither.
After you have made your selections, a table control appears where youhave the opportunity to check the original language, packages, and thename of the converted structure for each individual report treeselected.
Note: If the name of the target structure appears as the name ofyour report tree with the extension "_1, _2 ...", a report treewith the same name has already been migrated. Report trees that havealready been migrated can be hidden by selecting the checkbox"Do not display report trees already migrated".
If you want to display any of the report trees listed, double-click onthem in the list.
To start report tree migration, choose "Start migration".

The trees selected are checked for inconsistencies and removed from thefinal selection if any inconsistencies are found.
A log is displayed in compressed form after successful migrations.Detailed information about nodes that were not passed can be displayedupon demand: An overview of the reports and variants that were hangingunder private nodes is available, as well as a list of all list screenscontained the old tree.
(Please be aware that reports that belong to a list are not necessarilystored in the node cited.)