SAP Program RSRFCCOV - RFC Coverage Monitor

Creating and Administrating HTTP Services and Virtual Hosts for HTTPCommunication.

This report is used to maintain HTTP services for HTTP communication inthe SAP system, using the Internet Communication Manager (ICM) and theInternet Communication Framework (ICF).
Every service has a list of HTTP request handlers which are implementedas ABAP Objects classes.
If the URL of the incoming request contains a string that was definedas a service or as an alias for a service, the HTTP request handler forthis service is called.

This transaction enables you to use the Internet CommunicationFramework . It allows incoming requests to be assigned to differenthandlers, depending on their URLs. The handlers then generateappropriate responses, which are sent to the client.

When you create a service, you have to specify the class as the HTTPrequest handler (for example, CL_HTTP_EXT_EXAMPLE ). This implementsthe interface IF_HTTP_EXTENSION, and contains the methodCL_HTTP_EXT_EXAMPLE~HANDLE-REQUEST.
Note: The class in question must already exist.

See further documentation below.

Implementing an HTTP request handler therefore involves the following:

  • Creating the class, for example CL_HTTP_EXT_EXAMPLE

  • Implementing the method CL_HTTP_EXT_EXAMPLE~HANDLE-REQUEST

  • In transaction SICF, defining the service in which this class is an
  • HTTP request handler.

    Further Documentation
    For detailed documentation on this transaction, and general informationon the Internet Communication Framework, choose Help ->Application Help .
    To find the Internet Communication Framework in the SAP Library, chooseSAP Web Application Server -> Web Applications (BC MAS) -> SAP WebApplication Server -> Internet Communication Framework.