SAP Program RSPO_MOVE_ADS_FILES - Moves ADS Print Data from GLOBAL_DIR to Subdirectories

Report to Adjust PDF Spool Requests in Accordance with SAP Note 1327372

Until now, the files that belong to a PDF spool request have been storedin GLOBAL_DIR. However, for security reasons, this is not desirable. Thecorrection described in SAP Note 1327372 stores the files inclient-specific subdirectories of GLOBAL_DIR. To allow spool requeststhat were created before the correction was imported to be correctlydisplayed, you also need to move the associated files to thesubdirectories.

Since the move can take a long time, depending on the number of spoolrequests, the report offers the following options:

1. Complete Spool Requests
This completes all selected spool requests. It is therefore no longerpossible to append anything to these requests. Appending to spoolrequests that were created before the correction was created would meanthat the files were partly stored in GLOBAL_DIR, and partly in thesubdirectories. This option avoids that situation. The action isperformed very quickly. We recommend that you do this, if there are alarge number of spool requests that are to be deleted shortly anyway.

2. Delete Spool Requests
All selected spool requests are deleted.

3. Copy Spool Request Files
This is the variant described above, with which the old spool requestsare converted to the new method.
You can select individual spool requests, all spool requests for aparticular user, or all spool requests in the system. Once the reporthas run, the system is converted to the new method.