SAP Program RSPOXPRA - XPRA for Conversion of TSP1D and Generation of TSP06A for TSP06

With R/3 Release 4.0 some changes to the spool system tables arenecessary. New table fields must be filled with feasible values or newtables given entries. This report executes all the required actions.
If it fails it can be restarted without problems. Adaptations not madein the previous run are carried out in this case.
The following adaptations are necessary in R/3 Release 4.0:
Introduction of attributes for format types
Until now the attributes for a format type have been determined fromthe name of a format type, according to a naming convention (e.g. linesand column no. of a list format X_65_80). However, particularly in acustomer namespace, these attributes cannot always be taken uniquelyfrom a name (e.g. differentiation of list and SAPscript formats).
For this reason the corresponding table (TSP1D) was extended by a typeand additional attributes. Initially these had to be taken from thename and extended in the table entries.
Without the extension these values can no longer be printed since theyare used by the function modules to select formats. The namingconvention is no longer used.
Introduction of an attribute table for implemented formats
Until now only one table existed for the inclusion of the data linesfor the format actions of a device type. The attributes were stored astext within a pseudo action. To check whether a device type supports aformat type, a search must always be made for suitable entries in thisdata table.
The fact that a device type of a format is implemented is noted in aseparate table (TSP06A) as of Release 4.0. The attributes of thisimplementation are also stored here.
Initially this table does not have an entry. However, as it is nowbeing used to search for implemented formats, the status in which itarrives at the moment of the upgrade in the existing format actionsmust be analyzed and converted into entries in the attribute table.
Without the generation of these entries no printing can take place,since they are used by the function modules to select formats. Theaction table is no longer used for searching.

The report can run repeatedly. The status of 3.X is, therefore, not aprecondition.

The report issues a list of the actual status and the manipulationsthat have been carried out. Entries are indicated as follows:
* Converted entry
Entry already updated
M Entry modified according to naming convention
X Inconsistent entry (ignored)
Incorrect conversions are underlined in red.