SAP Program RSPO1043 - Spool Data Consistency Check in Background

The report RSPO1043 enables continuous monitoring of inconsistent spoolobjects. Just as in RSPO0043 the write locks are analyzed and, ifnecessary, deleted. In contrast to report RSPO0043, report RSPO1043 canrun parallel to the online, in the background. To do this the report_must_ run daily (==> scheduled as a daily background job). Theinconsistent objects found are gathered in a table. At the end of thetest run, old and new tables are compared according to the followingscheme:
Old tables | New tables | Action
no | yes | stays in new table (new inclusion)
yes | yes | if counter > limit then delete object
| | if counter <= limit then incr. counter by 1
yes | no | delete from old table, no longer
| | inconsistent. This is the normal case.
The write locks found are deleted without being gathered in a table.
The functions "Delete write locks" and "Delete inconsistencies" can beused independently of each other, but this is not recommended. Fornormal daily use, the limit values for both functions should be thesame. At the moment no uses for differing limit values are known.
The report should be scheduled by the system administrator or printadministrator with the relevant authorizations (as in RSPO0043).

If the report RSPO1043 is started daily, it is no longer necessary touse the "normal" old consistency check (using Transaction SPAD orreport RSPO0043).
The system does not check whether the report has been started severaltimes on the same day. Every start-up of the report updates theinternal counter. Use a periodic background job to start the report toguarantee that the report only runs once a day.
If the seven day SAP_NORM variant does not meet customer requirements,create a new variant. This new variant should specify a number of daysuntil deletion of inconsistencies that is at least as far apart as thelongest job runs.
If, for example, the customer has a job that takes about 36 hours, thenthe minutes for the write locks should be set to 2880 and the days forthe deletion to 2 days.

The system creates a list as for report RSPO0043. In addition, theinconsistent objects from the summary table and the objects deletedduring the run are logged, if necessary.

The first two parameters relate to write locks of the spool objects inthe tables TSP01 and TST01. The last two parameters relate to theactual inconsistencies between the database tables TSP01, TSP02, TSP0E,TST01 and TST03.

48400Reorganization of TemSe and Spool
16083Standard jobs, reorganization jobs
1411877New standard jobs
1488015Spool consistency check creates inconsistencies
16534Job terminates due to SPOOL_INTERNAL_ERROR
1255188Missing standard variants for reorg reports
504952Composite note regarding spooling and printing
98065Spool consistency check with RSPO1043 as of 4.0A