SAP Program RSPO0058 - Obsolete

This program belongs to a group of programs, which is intended to makeit easier for you to define output devices (printers) to make maximumuse of the new colors and frames when printing to paper.
The eleven new characters must be added to the printer character sets.The easiest way to do this is with report 'RSPO0058'. The firstparameter is the number of the character set. For the second parameter,enter:
KY for Kyocera F-1000 and similar
KI for Kyocera F-1000 and similar printers, which areconnected to MVS (specialists only)
HP for HP LaserJet and similar
SW for communication with 'SAPLPD' on MS-Windows PCs.
-- other
In the case of Kyocera printers, macros are used. You can add theirdefinition to the formats with report 'RSPO0060'
During its first run, the report makes a suggestion, which you can thenenter with F2.

A printer character set must already exist.

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