SAP Program RSPO0022 - Processing Report for ADS XDC Files

XDC files are printer descriptions in XML format that are required forprinting PDF documents. PDF documents can be printed only on printerswhose SAP device type has a corresponding XDC file in the system. If noexplicit XDC file exists, a printer can be still be used for printing,if it is compatible with a base device type. The system recognizes thisautomatically. However, any printer-specific functions that are notdefined in the base device type will not work.
SAP defines the following base device types:
POST2 - Postscript device type
HPLJ4 - PCL device type, black and white
HP9500 - PCL device type, color
PDF1 - PDF device type
AZPL203 and AZPL300 - Device types for Zebra label printers
XDC files for base device types must only be changed by SAP. No supportis offered for customer-specific modifications to XDC files.
You can use this report to assign an XDC file to an SAP device type orremove the assignment. XDC assignments are stored in the table TSP0B.You cannot modify or delete the entries for the base device types shownabove.

The XDC file must be located locally on the PC so that its name can bedetermined. You cannot it in the SAP system.

You can use this report to manage XDC entries for an SAP device type inthe table TSP0B.

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