SAP Program RSPO0020 - Display Report for ADS Spool Job Parts

Report for displaying all part files of an PDF spool request.

The part files of an PDF spool request are created byAdobe Document Services (ADS). For simulation purposes, you can also usereport RSPO0023.

In transaction SP01, only PDF spool requests of type'ADSP'(rint) are displayed. The other types'ADSM'(ail), 'ADSF'(ax) and'ADSA'(pplication) are not displayed there since they are not used forprint output.
The existing report is intended primarily for error analysis. All thepart files of an PDF spool request are displayed. The files are selectedby entering the ID directly, or by using the user name as afilter. You can download individual part files to a PC for monitoringpurposes.
You can manipulate PDF spool requests in other ways by using reportRSPO0023.