SAP Program RSPHXPR4 - SAPphone: Conversion to Sites in 4.6C

SAPphone: Initialize function flags for telephony servers

As of Basis release 6.10 (CRM 3.0), telephony servers have moreattributes, that is, functions.
Up to now, telephony servers can perform telephone functions. Suchservers can now also execute dialer functions (connection to apredictive or power dialer) or statistics functions (connection to acontact center statistic server). All three functions can be setseparately or in any combination.
This XPRA sets the telephony flag for all existing servers (allexisting servers can perform 'telephony' functions). Both the 'dialer'and 'statistics' flags are initialized.

Start release: 3.1G or higher
Target release: 6.10 or higher


The XPRA executes the following actions:
1. Reads all entries in the table SPH_SERVER (telephony server). Worstcase estimation: 10 entries.
2. Initialize the new function flag for telephony servers:
Telephony = 'X' (all existing entries are telephony servers)
Dialer = ' ' (new flag, initialize only)
Statistic = ' ' (new flag, initialize only)
3. Perform table change
Runtime: << 1 second