SAP Program RSORA01E - DB-ORA-Monitor: New Entry Design

Entry view of oracle database monitor.

The main screen is divided into 2 parts:
On the left side you can see 2 or 3 (in RAC systems) trees which enableyou to navigate and select data. On the right side you see the contentarea which provides you with key figures and monitoring information.

The trees:

  • Instances tree

  • This tree is only displayed if your database is configured as a RACsystem. It displays all SIDs and instances of your oracle database. Youcan:
    ... double click on an instance to view instance related key figureswithin the main monitor and all detailed analyses. Double click on aninstance to view instance related key figures.
    ... double clock on the #Total# node to view averages / sums of keyfigures related to all instances
    • History tree

    • This tree gives you the possibility to select historic information(snapshot data). In the current version you are able to specifiy a#since# and an #up to# value. By double clicking on one of this 2 nodesyou get a popup where you can select a snapshot. Dependent on thecurrent submonitor you have the following alternatives:
      #Since# = DB start; #Up to# = Now
      This selection displays the current database state
      #Since# = a selected snapshot; #Up to# = now
      This selection displays the changes of key figures since this snapshot.The snapshot can be regarded as a #Reset#
      #Since# = DB start; #Up to# = a selected snapshot
      This selection displays the database state at the snapshot#s time.
      #Since# = a selected snapshot; #Up to# = another selected snapshot
      This selection displays the changes of key figures between these 2snapshots. You can use this selection e.g. to display differenceinformation of key figures which are a kind of counter.
      • Detailed analyses tree

      • This tree provides you with all available submonitors. By doubleclicking a submonitor you start this analysis with the currentselections (instances tree, history tree). Depending on the detailanalysis you can change the selections.

        Content area
        In the content area the main or submonitor information is displayed.

        Additional navigation in the main monitor

        • Detail / F2

        • By double clicking on a key figure you get the key figure#s valuerelated to all database instances and a total value (average or sum overall instances). This function is only useful for RAC systems.
          • Refresh / F8

          • This function reads the new current state from the database.
            • Download / Ctrl+Shift+F9

            • This function downloads the main monitor data (key figure values). Youhave different options to choos a file type.
              • Snapshot / Shift+F6

              • This function gives you the possibility to take a manual snapshot.
                • Environment -> PerfMon.Collector -> Display log

                • This function displays an overview of all periodic collector runprotocols. The creation of periodic snapshots is executed within aperiodic collector run.
                  • Environment -> PerfMon.Collector -> Display log

                  • This function navigates to the maintenance of table TCOLL. This tablecontains the entries of all reports which are responsible for collectionof performance data. The entry for report RSORAHCL can be maintained forcollecting periodic oracle snapshots. (See also online documentation ofreport RSORAHCL)