SAP Program RSOBJTR1 - Transport Connection for Customizing Objects

The program creates a transport request (TR) for Customizing objects.It puts the objects in the selected package(s) in the TR. The promptfor the TR to be used is at the end of the program.
The entries in the following tables are taken into account: TVDIR,TADIR, TVIMF, TDDAT
The program functions as follows: it starts from the package; theCustomizing objects and all their dependent table entries for thespecified packages are selected and written in a TR
1. You should check which Customizing objects are in the packages.You can use the same program in display mode.
2. If objects with the same names exist, check their versions sothat new data is not overwritten by old. Proceed as follows:
Make the program available in your system by Upload/Download. If youtransport into another target system, make the program available theretoo to check the target area.