SAP Program RSM_INIT_DOWNLOAD_MASTERDATA - Start Download of Master Data to SAP Campbell

This report starts an initial download of HR master data from SAPCAMPBELL to StaffWorks subsystems. The report is used to distribute themaster data available in the central HR system to the StaffWorkssubsystems in set up in the retail branches, using the SAP CAMPBELLsystem to do so. This can only take place during the installation phasein each retail store, when the StaffWorks database is provided with theHR master data for the first time. As a result, StaffWorks becomes theleading system, where all data changes are made. The changes aretransferred to SAP HR via the interface for external HR master data,and update the SAP HR database.

  • The report can only be used within the framework of a connection
  • between SAP CAMPBELL StaffWorks (SAP CAMPBELL Shift Planning system)and SAP HR.
    • The report should not be used for a periodic synchronisation of the SAP
    • and StaffWorks database.


      • StaffWorks is used as the personnel administration system in the retail
      • stores. zt. StaffWorks is before SAP HR in the hierarchy.
        • A data port (WE21) has been created, and the module
        • "EDI_PATH_CREATE_RETAIL_STORE" has been assigned to it in the outboundfiles. This module is used to create a unique name for outbound files.
          • The partner agreement (WE20) for a logical system has been maintained.
          • The port with the function module used to generate the names of filesis to this logical system.
            • The ALE distribution model (BD64) for message type HRMD_A has been set
            • up for the logical system.
              • Function module "RSM_INIT_USE_EXIT_SAPLRHA0_001" is called in customer
              • enhancement "EXIT_SAPLRHA0_001" of report "RHALEINI".



                • The period from which the employees are chosen can be restricted in the
                • "Period" selection criteria group.
                  • The group of employees for whom the data is to be distributed to the
                  • retail stores, can be restricted in the "Selection" criteria group. Youcan use the employment status or organizational assignment as acriteria for restrictions.


                    The report creates one or more lists of employees, which can be sent toa recipient, in this case, a retail store. The list is only sent ifmodule "RSM_INIT_USE_EXIT_SAPLRHA0_001" is called within customerenhancement "EXIT_SAPLRHA0_001". The module enters the recipient in theSNDLAD field of the contol record. Three recipient types are supported:
                    1: Distribution via company code/cost center
                    2: Distribution via personnel area
                    3: Distribution via personnel area/subarea
                    Previously, only recipient type 1 was supported. You cannot changethese parameters outside of the coding. If you use a different type ofrecipient determination, the default value for variableDESTINATION_MODE must be modified.
                    The file name of type 1 has the following format:
                    The employee list is transferred to report RHALEINI as selectioncriteria. This report thn creates an IDoc of message type HRMD_A. Thedate is written to a directory in accordance with the partner agreementand the distribution model. The recipient store uses the generated filename to locate its files.