SAP Program RSMONICM_ALV - Internet Communication Monitor

Monitoring Transaction for Internet Communication Manager (ICM)

Use this transaction to monitor and manage the Internet CommunicationManager. The ICM receives and sends requests (for example, in a serverrole, incoming HTTP requests) from or to the Internet.

ICM is the part of SAP Web Application Server which functions as theinterface between the Internet and the SAP application server.
The SAP Web Application Server can serve both as a (Web) server and as aclient. As a server, ICM accepts incoming HTTP requests and forwardsthem to the Internet Communication Framework (ICF) for processing. As aclient, requests (for example, SMTP e-mails) are sent from the SAPserver via ICM to any Internet server.

You can find comprehensive documentation under Help -> ApplicationHelp.

See also:
You can find the complete documentation on the SAP Web AS and the ICM inthe SAP Library or on the Help Portal ( underSAP NetWeaver Components -> Application Platform (SAP WebApplication Server) -> ABAP Technology -> Client/Server
Technology -> Administration of the Internet CommunicationManager.